[SUPPORT] Stuck during the story - Solution


If you are stuck during the story, in order for me to help you out, please send me your wolcentag and the name of the quest you are blocked at on Discord.

Yuzu [Wolcen]#2971

Keep in mind I'm currently on holidays out of office/my house so I might not be available at all times, but I'll do my best to help you out.



Replies: 25

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Couldn't send you a message on discord cause it requires us to be friends first, so here it is.

Hey, I'm stuck in Wolcen quest The Unknown, delve deeper. On the place where you have to activate two things on both sides to get the bones to make a bridge. My tag: juopunumies.4656 Character: Maahinen

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hello! im stuck too in this place.
Character: SexMashine
My tag: Thanks for help! Tag is: shadu.1668

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago


I'm stuck in Act 3 : Infiltration.

I crashed in the Red Wastes after having launched this quest and Valeria does not come back. I can't trigger the cutscene arriving in the Battlefield Overlook and can't go into the Purifier fortress.

Is it possible to reset the progress just before talking with Valeria in the camp ?

About my wolcentag, it's the same situation described by hazardtomsk, I connected through steam but no tag.

The character is named Tiamat.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hello! im stuck too in this place.
Character: SexMashine
My tag: Where can I see it WolcenTag? In prifile i see this (To have a Wolcen tag you need to connect your steam account to profile and be logged into the game.) Im in game!!

hazardtomsk Original Comment

I think you see it ingame when u click on the "friends" button on the bottom right in the main menu.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Bonjour Yuzu,

Je vous contacte car je suis bloquée avec mes deux personnages dans la quête histoire.

Sur le premier, je suis coincée à la mission "l'inconnu" du chapitre 1, il m'est impossible d'activer le mécanisme qui déverse les ossements pour combler le chemin.

Sur le deuxième, je bloque à la mission "infiltration" du chapitre 3, Valéria a disparu.

Voici mon id tag : arwen.9481

D'avance merci pour votre aide.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Bump for visibility.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

bonjour je suis coincée à la mission "l'inconnu" du chapitre 1, il m'est impossible d'activer le mécanisme qui déverse les ossements pour combler le chemin.wolcentag aguinde.0563 merci

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago


I'm stuck in Act 3 : Infiltration.

I crashed in the Red Wastes after having launched this quest and Valeria does not come back. I can't trigger the cutscene arriving in the Battlefield Overlook and can't go into the Purifier fortress. My wolcentag is martinmaechler.1038.

Thank you for your help!

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

bonjour je suis coincé a la quette penetrer dans les chambres d'incubation act 2
imposiible de validé je vais jusqu'au tp de la salle d'experimentation et ja je suis bloqué car la quette les chambre d'incubation ne se valide pas
si vous avez le temps merci
wolcentag liotor.8850

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

I also have the problem, i'm stuck on The Gates of Fury - Talk to Heimlock,

My Wolcentag is: thalion.9683

hope you can help

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago


Created: 3 years, 4 months ago


I'm stuck in Act 3 : Infiltration Journey to the battlefield Overlook

I logged out in the Red Wastes after having launched this quest and Valeria does not come back. I can't trigger the cutscene arriving in the Battlefield Overlook and can't go into the Purifier fortress.

Is it possible to reset the progress just before talking with Valeria in the camp ?

Wolcentag --- ragoth9592

The character is named Nefarian

Thanks in advance for your help.

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Sorry for my english is too poor.
I create and delete my character too many times for stuck at some point.
Wolcentag: canayaman.0941
Character: CanayamanBT
Quest: The Bane of the Storm - Talk to Ilthain

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hi There,

same issue over here: stuck in Act 3 : Infiltration (Battlefield Overlook).
Start in Dawn's Crest Camp, run red wastes and the battlefield, cannot enter the keep!
Retried 3 times tonight, issue remains ...
Character name is DarthFartsAgain.

Some support would be wonderful!

Wolcentag is darthfart.1225


Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

in english below just in case you are not french :)

Je suis comme d'autres bloqué au chapitre 1, à la mission l""inconnu".
il m'est impossible d'activer le mécanisme qui déverse les ossements pour combler le chemin.
Mon wolcentag : eedgy.2026
Personnage : EEDGYOR
Merci beaucoup par avance et très bonnes fêtes ! (et merci svp de me dire quand c'est résolu :) )

I am stuck at chapter 1, quest 'the unknown".
I cannot activate the &mecanism to fill the path with the bones.
My Wolcentag : eedgy.2026
Character name : EEDGYOR
Thank you very much in advance for yout help! and please let me know when it is ok!

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

sent you a friend request, because I cant message you directly on discord.

my tag is trovarion.3677 and I am stuck in act two, at the Cordadon mines, which is part of the Journey into madness quest. character name is TROVARION.

thanks for your help

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hello!!! How long will you solve the problem? I want to play!!!
The problem is probably not lowering the bridge. The quest gets up as soon as you get into the sewers under the city.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

same issue over here: stuck in Act 3 : Infiltration (Battlefield Overlook).
Start in Dawn's Crest Camp, run red wastes and the battlefield, cannot enter the keep!
Retried several times over a couple of nights, issue remains.

In game name: PewPew
Tag: vutangclan.7485

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Playing through act 3 Journey to the Battlefield Overlook quest I get stuck on cell H as I can not go any further. Now i am not with the Val (she is missing)and probably therefore cant progress the quest.

Tag: valiodarkevil.6406
Char name: Artemis

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hi pls check:

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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