Tear of Ethelial (skill) + Archion's Teachings (passive node)

Archion's Teachings states '+1 Projectile(s) to all Projectile Skills (Attacks and Spells)'
Tear of Ethelial is tagged as a projectile Skill.

The expectation was that two Tears of Ethlials would fall, at -50% damage. It does not.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Did it drop at all? cause i believe all additions and minuses are additive not multiplictive so if you have 500 percent damage increased you would go to 450 increased damage instead of 250 so the damage drop wouldnt be as noticeable.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Did it drop at all? cause i believe all additions and minuses are additive not multiplictive so if you have 500 percent damage increased you would go to 450 increased damage instead of 250 so the damage drop wouldnt be as noticeable.

wnxace Original Comment

I did some testing, and the damage didn't appear to drop. I also tested to see if it was dropping a second meteor, just overlapped, only a single damage value appeared.

If I attack with a staff, I get two damage values, just overlapping. The tear does not, unfortunately.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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