(Terrible Bug) Champion of Stormfall is locked and Act 3 is bugged.

After quite a while, I have re-entered the game. At first, everything was normal. I started a game with my character of level 83 and made several "expeditions of level 143, 100, etc ..." to test the new changes (new wheel of fate, new itemization, etc ...). I even got the new cosmetics (the barbarian and republican armors whose names I can't remember). So, I decided to create a new character to play the extra content and the problems came.

When I wanted to replay "Champion of Stormfall" with my level 83 character, I was surprised that she was in Chapter 3 of the story mode. When I wanted to change the mode, the "Champion of Stormfall" was locked.

But it does not end there. I thought: If I want to unlock "Champion of Stormfall" mode, I just have to re-finish Chapter 3. But when I entered Chapter 3, there were no missions available. In addition, all the areas of the portal, even where the final battle is located, are unlocked. Then I realized that there was nothing I could do.

Additionally, the new cosmetics (The Barbarian and Republican Armor Pack) no longer appear in the character customization.

Replies: 2

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

In order to do the new content, you need to start a brand new character and level up through campaign first.
They're treating it like a new Path Of Exile 'League' or Diablo 3 'Season'.
EDIT: Not being able to do any of the Champion activities with your old character is odd though.

(Edited 3 years, 5 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

In order to do the new content, you need to start a brand new character and level up through campaign first.
They're treating it like a new Path Of Exile 'League' or Diablo 3 'Season'.
EDIT: Not being able to do any of the Champion activities with your old character is odd though.

mnataur Original Comment

I already know that. The problem is with my legacy characters. I can't get into "Champion of Stormfall" mode and there are no missions or anything in act 3 so I can't advance. Also the new skins disappeared, the slot for a sixth skill was locked and a long etc ...

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

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