Yellow Rectangle When Pressing Map Keybind

Every 4th and 5th time the map keybind is pressed a yellow rectangle appears on screen. On the 4th press, the box is skewed to the left of the screen. On the 5th press the box is skewed to the right of the screen.

Replies: 9

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Same here...

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago


Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

yep same here

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Same issue.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Same with me.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Same here

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Same... Tab once works well, tab twice goes back to compass... Tab third time yellow vertical rectangle on left side, Tab 4th yellow vwerticla rectangle right side and finally tab 5th time to get back to compass xD

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

So, I did some digging, and probably went a little too deep.

It would seem that when the yellow rectangle is shown, the game executable queries for three files: engine\libs\ui\statuswindow.gfx, game\libs\ui\statuswindow.gfx, and finally Game\Libs_UI_4.pak. The first two are not present since they are most likely the original unpakked resource files.

This lead me to take a memory dump of the running Wolcen.exe, and found that some StatusWindow related strings in the dump are located next to the strings 'onButtonNextLeague' and 'onButtonBackLeague'.

This finding prompted me to check back to character creation screen since I had a brief memory of seeing a layout that matches the yellow rectangle positioning.

And 'lo and behold, the league selection screen seems to match perfectly with the yellow rectangles positions.

So, it seems that someone forgot to delete/deactivate the statuswindow drawing/focusing/presence when not in the character creation, or there's some pretty nasty hack to allow switching the league selection using tabulator key.

Fun fact, you can bring up the yellow boxes in the main menu by pressing the tab button several times.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

So, I did some digging, and probably went a little too deep.

It would seem that when the yellow rectangle is shown, the game executable queries for three files: engine\libs\ui\statuswindow.gfx, game\libs\ui\statuswindow.gfx, and finally Game\Libs_UI_4.pak. The first two are not present since they are most likely the original unpakked resource files.

This lead me to take a memory dump of the running Wolcen.exe, and found that some StatusWindow related strings in the dump are located next to the strings 'onButtonNextLeague' and 'onButtonBackLeague'.

This finding prompted me to check back to character creation screen since I had a brief memory of seeing a layout that matches the yellow rectangle positioning.

And 'lo and behold, the league selection screen seems to match perfectly with the yellow rectangles positions.

So, it seems that someone forgot to delete/deactivate the statuswindow drawing/focusing/presence when not in the character creation, or there's some pretty nasty hack to allow switching the league selection using tabulator key.

Fun fact, you can bring up the yellow boxes in the main menu by pressing the tab button several times.

RoosterLMB Original Comment

They should hire you to do some de-bugging!

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

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