100% Processor

Hi guys,

I got a probleme, my processor is 100% charge and still like that all the game.

I have several freeze, especially during map changes but also during the game.

I have I5 7500, RTX 2070, 16 GO RAM. Is my processor weak for this game ?

I reduced the graphs, change the options, nothing helps

Is there a solution for that? Other than having to buy a more powerful processor? I only have a problem with Wolcen.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Nope, it's not just you either, people have been complaining about this issue since a year before release and not only is there no fix, but there has been zero, and I mean zero dev responses as to why systems that exceed the minimum req. by a decent bit still have these minute long system lockups that freeze not only the game but the entire PC for 40-90 seconds at a time every 5-15 minutes. I'm giving them a bit longer, and then I'm getting a refund. I love what I've been able to play so far, but it's extremely frustrating to have to pause every few minutes just to play the game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Was coming here to ask if I could get away with running on an 2400g pro with vega 11 graphics on low settings. I think this thread might answer my questions.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I would say do not purchase. There has been ZERO attempts to solve the issue. Play POE or Grim Dawn, no issues with those games.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I would say do not purchase. There has been ZERO attempts to solve the issue. Play POE or Grim Dawn, no issues with those games.

bharr4404 Original Comment

Unfortunately this game requires a beefy system to run right and it has to be setup properly.

Its not the game per say, its the engine they chose. They should have went with the unreal engine which is way better optimized out of the gate compared to crysis. Crysis is just way to demanding of an engine.

They can do a few things to remedy this issue.
1: option to disable global shadows.
2: low texture options (something akin to wow, torchlight etc)
3: lower the amount of particle effects and movement.
4: Shadows on particle effects turned off.
5: Optimize pixel shaders or option to turn them off..

I guarantee shadows in this game are chewing up 20-30% of the cpu/gpu cycles. Just allow us to disable them for better gameplay. We asked for this 3 years ago in early access..

If they disabled or lowered the shaders to something we were using in dx9, this game would run way better. It should be an option.

Their netcode needs serious work. Opening an expedition portal shouldn't freeze up the game for any length of time.

Higher some better coders to tweak and optimize the engine or flat out begin porting the entire game to another lesser demanding engine.

Realistic graphics look sweet.. The game looks amazing but its way too demanding on hardware. I hope they weren't planning on releasing this on consoles, it will burn out ps4/xbox consoles so fast it won't even be funny.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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