Can't play the game like this

I can't even get passed creating a character "connection to server" issue...even if I could I wouldn't play the game because my gpu reaches max heat and throttles from just sitting in the menus. At the moment, the entirety of the game is trying not to break your pc and actually log in. I really hope they take these problems seriously and address them asap. It feels like we've all waited a LONG time to see what we paid for and supported only to be disappointed again.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

The overheating is your own problem, whereas the connectivity is everyone's problem at the moment.

I'm fine at the menu with 60c on my 1080Ti with "Very High" for everything at 1440p. CPU is at 55c while running OBS streaming (8700k)

So you should either look into cleaning out your PC, or getting better airflow.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The overheating is your own problem, whereas the connectivity is everyone's problem at the moment.

I'm fine at the menu with 60c on my 1080Ti with "Very High" for everything at 1440p. CPU is at 55c while running OBS streaming (8700k)

So you should either look into cleaning out your PC, or getting better airflow.

Sadyka Original Comment

I think you better do some searches and see how many people are having this same EXACT issue with this game for years actually. Funny how this is the default response for problems people have with games. I play dozens of other games and never get over 70c and this game doesn't stop heating up my gpu until it becomes unplayable. So no, it's not on my end.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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