Play offline and online

Why the game is so stupid and you must choose ... If you start play in off line mode you can not play the same character in on line mode ?? wtf .... servers now are overflowing ...
An example game Grim Dawn - you can play solo mode and when you want play with friends you click in options multi player game and start play with friends... can you fix it ?? now if you want to play on line you must wait 30 - 70 minutes to start ....

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Offline modes are usually seperate because people find ways to cheat/hack/edit offline versions/characters. So obviously they don't want people editing things then logging in with OP characters.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Offline modes are usually seperate because people find ways to cheat/hack/edit offline versions/characters. So obviously they don't want people editing things then logging in with OP characters.

singy7731 Original Comment

Ye well, it could be easily avoidable, but apparently they lack in will or knowledge, just hoping i will be able to refund the game, since servers are not stable.... crashed several times already in online mode, steam and their 2 hours refund policy, its garbage for games like Wolcen or any other arpg

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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