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Replies: 22

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

ya i just requested for a refund for sure, in the 48 hours the game has been release i got to play a total of 2 hours. between server maintenance and disconnection issues on their end this is by far the worst release to a game i would say even worse than Anthem because at least i got to actually play anthem. poor excuse for a game release. i mean dont release a game people cant play because you "didn't expect a population" as big as the release pop was on launch.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Bye bye, the game runs fine offline, I don't understand why you people are crying. It's not like the game is not working. You can play offline very fine, you can't just get into the server. o/

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

ya i just requested for a refund for sure, in the 48 hours the game has been release i got to play a total of 2 hours. between server maintenance and disconnection issues on their end this is by far the worst release to a game i would say even worse than Anthem because at least i got to actually play anthem. poor excuse for a game release. i mean dont release a game people cant play because you "didn't expect a population" as big as the release pop was on launch.

cb558781 Original Comment

cya! you know the game works offline right...?

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Yeah for real, I can understand the issue if it was like any triple A title these days of forcing you to be online or nothing, this game actually offers you the ability to play offline a VERY rare feature these days. Granted the characters are separate for obvious reasons since you can do sketchy things that wouldn't be possible online. I can understand people being upset since they may have wanted to play with a friend but hey the game is 100% playable from start to finish so you got 95% of what you paid for the other 5% being online play just has some issues. Which is better playability then games put out by massive game companies simply because they refuse to support offline play at all.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

To all who mention offline mode here, do me a favor.
Log out your character, Quit the game and go back.
Tell me, where is your saved character ?

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Bye bye, the game runs fine offline, I don't understand why you people are crying. It's not like the game is not working. You can play offline very fine, you can't just get into the server. o/

d[O_o]b Original Comment

why dont you go bleat some more you sheep.

offline is zero progression and a complete waste of time once the servers come up.

its like wanting to play modern warfare and youre telling people to go play the campaign.

you dont know what youre talking about.

plus stop white-knighting and grow some balls. This kinda game launch is not acceptable to a paying customer.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

To all who mention offline mode here, do me a favor.
Log out your character, Quit the game and go back.
Tell me, where is your saved character ?

Carrier Original Comment

Haha, yes all theses peoples don't know that their characters will not works online when the game will come back. Sorry guys, but playing offline is actualy useless.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Haha, yes all theses peoples don't know that their characters will not works online when the game will come back. Sorry guys, but playing offline is actualy useless.

Stratocaster Original Comment

this. 10000% this.

the amount of sheep out there lessens my outlook on the human race.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

I was playing offline for a while last night and edited the character for the heck of it.
Just made a character and pushed through to town. Exited and restarted game several times.
All offline characters are there and working.

The debate of offline being useless or not is a different issue.

Being angry at not getting what you paid for is valid.

Someone not finding it that big of a deal is also valid.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Rocky start that's for sure. I'll give them another day to fix their servers and then I'll request a refund if the server isn't up. I agree that offline mode is meaningless, at least for me, since there is online mode. I haven't played offline mode in an arpg, that had online mode, since shortly after Diablo 2 was released.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Offline mode useless? You know all this time I thought we played games for an escape from reality...or to be competitive, so for those that think it is a waste of time to enjoy the game then why play, if you are so focused on what is wrong you will miss out on what is working, and for the competitive players out there offline is a great place to try stuff out that you wouldn't normally do online. Also we have to remember that this is a small team working on this, they know that this looks bad on them, so saying how you'll get a refund is not doing any good right now. Do you have a reason to be upset? YES! you do does offline mode working make up for it? Not really, but at least it is something. I have waited for this game to come out since alpha and have like all that they have done to the game for the most part. I remember when servers would crash all the time in WOW before a solid fix was made and yet people still played because the game was good. All I am saying is to give it time and see what the company will do to make it right.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

I was playing offline for a while last night and edited the character for the heck of it.
Just made a character and pushed through to town. Exited and restarted game several times.
All offline characters are there and working.

The debate of offline being useless or not is a different issue.

Being angry at not getting what you paid for is valid.

Someone not finding it that big of a deal is also valid.

shrax25 Original Comment

Well then lucky you ! You can play... bunch of us here on the forums can't... well, we can... but we lost everything...

I've invested 5 or 6 hours today at morning when I had free time, when I tried to log back in later afternoon, I wasn't pleased at all. Then check official forum posts and found other people with same problem as me.

For some reason, my Character folder staying empty even when I do play in Offline mode.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

To all who mention offline mode here, do me a favor.
Log out your character, Quit the game and go back.
Tell me, where is your saved character ?

Carrier Original Comment

Here is my character, I just logged in and logged out 3 times:

Now go sleep and chill off. If your PC is a bin trash, don't blame it on others.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

why dont you go bleat some more you sheep.

offline is zero progression and a complete waste of time once the servers come up.

its like wanting to play modern warfare and youre telling people to go play the campaign.

you dont know what youre talking about.

plus stop white-knighting and grow some balls. This kinda game launch is not acceptable to a paying customer.

betatesta13 Original Comment

Offline is zero progression? Please elaborate because you are just trolling right now. When you play offline you are progressing, obviously offline means everything is stored on your pc.

The only reason why online is here because of co-op campaign + progression saved on the cloud. That's it. When D3 was released you people whined like dogs when there was no way to play offline, now that you can play an aRPG offline you are also whining.

Refund the game and goodbye, No one is holding you and your money.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Game is running quite fine offline.
No issues so far!!

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Offline working is great if you like to play Offline. However, Offline is meaningless to me since I can't play with friends. I bought this game to play ONLINE with friends. The Co-op aspect played a huge part in my decision to purchase this game. I understand that certain games have rocky starts so that is why I'm not refunding it right away. However, If they don't get it running soonish then I will refund. I will pick it up at a later point when/IF they get the online to work and if my friends pick it back up.

I tried the game offline, since I wanted to try it before the refund period was up. And from what I have played on offline mode the game looks and feels amazing. But it just wasn't as fun as playing something online with friends can be. I feel like I'm missing part of the game. So I generally don't play offline games when I can play online games. I would love to continue playing this game. However, without the co-op aspect of it, I won't.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

you guys talk like its gonna take 10 days lol... shut it up and go do something else.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Game is running quite fine offline.
No issues so far!!

sthbr82 Original Comment

Then you're lucky. I've been recording my whole playthrough of offline because online is down. Online was the whole reason I bought the game, so I could play with my mates. Can't play with mates offline. Even in offline mode, there are so many bugs and people losing all their progress or not being able to progress.

I'm not in the burn the devs at the stake crowd, but to say the game is fine is a gross misrepresentation.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Here is my character, I just logged in and logged out 3 times:

Now go sleep and chill off. If your PC is a bin trash, don't blame it on others.

d[O_o]b Original Comment

And here we go again... another aggressive shill...

Instead of attacking others and act like a spoiled brat you really should do some searching...

If your Windows account has some special characters in the name, The Wolcen is unable to save your character to PC. Simple as that. I doubt you even invested in legal system, but if you do you sure know you can't edit your Windows name if you have not bought a Pro or higher version of the system.

No... be happy your system username has some cool nickname instead of your birth name as most other people who have their Microsoft / Windows accounts tight to their PC.

And please don't even start me on "my PC is a bin trash" part.
You gona loose this argument really fast.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Well then lucky you ! You can play... bunch of us here on the forums can't... well, we can... but we lost everything...

I've invested 5 or 6 hours today at morning when I had free time, when I tried to log back in later afternoon, I wasn't pleased at all. Then check official forum posts and found other people with same problem as me.

For some reason, my Character folder staying empty even when I do play in Offline mode.

Carrier Original Comment

Hold on, this was not meant as a taunting post. After reading the issues with offline, I checked my own to see if I was having the same problem. Its a point of data, not in any way discounting other folks issues. I sympathize with the frustration.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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