Same account does not share characters between machines.

I started the game off on my desktop with a warrior build, then started a mage build on the laptop. When doing this i noticed that my warrior was not available on the laptop and now my mage is not available on the desktop. This could be due to the servers being offline since purchase, but even so, this needs to be fixed. Had i known this feature was not working I wouldnt have wasted 6 hours on the laptop only to not be able to play my mage on the desktop.

This game has such promise, but I hope the devs really keep up with fixes and updates otherwise sadly it will just fade out. Servers offline the whole launch weekend has also been a pretty big bummer.

If there is a fix for the character thing i'd love to hear it as annihilation mage is super fun and would be a lot more fun not playing on a trackpad.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

That's because your offline characters are stored on your PC and not with the client. Go to C:\Users\"Username"\Saved Games\wolcen\savegames\characters to move your offline characters.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

So your saying i have to use a usb drive in order to move characters between systems? if that works, great. Still not ideal but hopefully it gets fixed soon

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

So your saying i have to use a usb drive in order to move characters between systems? if that works, great. Still not ideal but hopefully it gets fixed soon

brantyn101 Original Comment

Agreed with you, this needs to work on cloud-based Steam saved games, which means cfgs and its game content (saved offline games) migrate to any PC that you have synchronized with your steam account...

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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