discord problems and moderators

The Polish discord channel is abused as a moderator.
People are banned for writing in-game errors.
Comparing games to other games.
Moderators say that discord wolcen is only to talk about wolcen game.
Where I didn't see anything like this in the regulations.
People who write positive about volunteering are prioritized and can do anything.
f u will write something negative about this game or some situations, thats will be a big problem for you
At moderators' discretion, writing that there are still bugs in the game is general "toxicity."
There is a general lack of freedom of expression.
Moderators are just biased, and talking about bugs and giving solutions is just called "toxicity". There is a general lack of freedom of expression...
IvEquivocus⎠⧸╱ provokes people. When he is noticed, he threatens with ban.
Today several people have been banned even though they have not broken any regulations.
Please check the room logs from 7pm on February 26th.
We paid for the game, we want to use discord freely.
The moderator should not abuse his rights.
The fact that the moderators beat the game also does not mean that they can do what they want with people and treat them as rubbish. I bought a game in 2017. I supported the project and was treated as a normal laugh by an underage moderator. As you can see from the discussion with moderator
that it is a child yet. And probably the moderators did not read the 'readme' tab on the discord. Where are the rules points.

Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I agree with this post - in my opinion the mentioned moderator creates his own "extensions to the rules", such as not allowing topics unrelated to wolcen on the chat, while apparently many people participated in general discussions and enjoyed the polish channel worked the way it worked. Funny thing is that I always talked positively about the game on the discord in both polish and general chat and I got warned and banned within 1 minute timespan. Apparently it was for pointing out that moderator is being unfair and should allow chat to be flexible if vast majority of people want it to work specific way (such as allowing not game related conversations), instead of trying to turn the river around. I personally know that they are not related to Wolcen Studio, and can understand various people, but another people facing similar situations may feel cheated and start ranting about the game etc. because they were spreading good word about the game like I was, and then getting banned for minor things. I would like to mention that I paid for the game so I would prefer to not be treated / judged hastily like a garbage, getting warned and banned within few minutes, while having no troubles at all and not breabefore since release day. This is official game discord after all.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I was banned for asking ╲⧹⎝Equivocus⎠⧸╱ moderator how old is he, because he behave like a child. Please remove his privileges and unban people he banned. He is harmful to community.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

First of all, discord is not a part of a game in any shape or form- It's a community of players for players.
As to NoMercy, me and many other mods received many complaints over and over about his toxic behavior. EG. When someone asked a genuine question about a game he told a person to play (some other game insert here) and followed it up with a 50 min rant about Wolcen. When i asked him the first time to cut down on the ranting because it's making other people upset he followed it up with disrespectful behavior.
More or less in translation:
Me- If u continue this behavior, you know what I'll have to do...
NoMercy- What? U gonna hang yourself ?
I showed restraint there in hope he just had a bad day. Unfortunetly his toxic behavior continued which resulted in a ban. Dydzio, his friend started ranting and didn't listen to reason and warnings so another ban followed.
As to Mr. Krawczykqq, Razzbane asked a personal question to which i replied "respectfully that's none of your business" after which u started calling me an asshole without manners. I gave u a chance to apologize on a PW message
"Zapytaleś mnie o wiek, odpisałem ci kulturalnie że to nie twoj interes- oczekuje przeprosin za tego chama". Instead of taking it, you reacted by copy pasting to the group and flamed further.

Listen guys Wolcen is not a bug free game, and can be frustrating at times- i get it. I play it too. It's not a reason though to make lives of other players (and mods) miserable just because u feel bad about the game or something else. These bans are not permanent- take your times to reflect upon your behavior. Try to be more positive and respectful if/when you come back

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

"he told a person to play (some other game insert here)".why are you lying? nice moderator .Screenshoot plz xD little lier

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

First of all, discord is not a part of a game in any shape or form- It's a community of players for players.
As to NoMercy, me and many other mods received many complaints over and over about his toxic behavior. EG. When someone asked a genuine question about a game he told a person to play (some other game insert here) and followed it up with a 50 min rant about Wolcen. When i asked him the first time to cut down on the ranting because it's making other people upset he followed it up with disrespectful behavior.
More or less in translation:
Me- If u continue this behavior, you know what I'll have to do...
NoMercy- What? U gonna hang yourself ?
I showed restraint there in hope he just had a bad day. Unfortunetly his toxic behavior continued which resulted in a ban. Dydzio, his friend started ranting and didn't listen to reason and warnings so another ban followed.
As to Mr. Krawczykqq, Razzbane asked a personal question to which i replied "respectfully that's none of your business" after which u started calling me an asshole without manners. I gave u a chance to apologize on a PW message
"Zapytaleś mnie o wiek, odpisałem ci kulturalnie że to nie twoj interes- oczekuje przeprosin za tego chama". Instead of taking it, you reacted by copy pasting to the group and flamed further.

Listen guys Wolcen is not a bug free game, and can be frustrating at times- i get it. I play it too. It's not a reason though to make lives of other players (and mods) miserable just be…

Equivocus Original Comment

czemu ty człowieku potrafisz tylko klamac i naginac fakty .Nikt Cie z nas nie wyzywal .Czy odsylal ludzi do innych gier.Prawda jest taka ,ze cale zajscie to Ty prowokowales, po moim jednym zdaniu .Nie nadajesz sie na moderatora Do tego jestes klamca i mitonanem .Tak to sie konczy, jak ktos dostaje moda za cos .W waszym przypadku ,za tlumaczenie gry.Zrobiles zbedna szopke.Internet to nie korea polnoca ,a modetator na discordzie nie jest w gestapo.A klamcy nie zasluguja na szacunek .Wiec nie dziw sie ,ze nikt go do Ciebie nie mial .I wybuchlo co wybuchlo .Szkoda moich słów .Może jak dorośniesz to zrozumiesz.Lepiej czasem trzymac jezyk za zebami ,niz klamac tak jak Ty. Do tego wieszz co to sarcazm ? Czy robisz z siebie serio ograniczonego czlowieka ?Glupio zapytałeś,to dostałeś glupia odpowiedź .Wyrywasz zdania z kontekstu .To kolejna rzecz ,przez ktorą sie nie nadajesz na moderatora czegokolwiek.Emocje biota nad toba górę,gdy dyskutujesz z ludźmi ( nie tylko ze mną) . Dydzio w tedy nawet nie byl moim znajomym .Teraz juz jest .
1. Zaczęliście już to,bo nie jesteś nawet wart moich tłumaczeń . Zrobiliście z oficjalnego i publicznego polskiego kanalu, prywate.Nikt z nas nie zlamal regulaminu ,podanego przez CM .To ze ty sobie tam ustalales własne reguly .To jest inna bajka ,bo to nie twoj discord.Tylko wolcen studio .Ladnie przerobiles historyjke z 3 dni ma 1 dzien:) mitoman roku.Doawliles sie wczoraj do mnnie,za to że zadaem pytanie drugiemu modowi.Ktory twierdzil,ze osiagniecia dzialaja ok.Swoja arogancja rozpetales co rozpetales.Ludzie to nie "śmieci" ,że mozesz sobie po nich jezdzic,przez to ,ze masz jakies tam upprawnienia w internetach

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I'm very happy that amongst all that commotion you at least managed to find a friend. You do seem like you need one. I honestly hope it works out for you, whatever it is you going through. I'm not your enemy- when you calm down a bit and feel like a decent civilized talk about that ban, feel free to message me in a private message.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I'm very happy that amongst all that commotion you at least managed to find a friend. You do seem like you need one. I honestly hope it works out for you, whatever it is you going through. I'm not your enemy- when you calm down a bit and feel like a decent civilized talk about that ban, feel free to message me in a private message.

Equivocus Original Comment

then stop lying and transform the truth.
why privately ?let people know what was happening and what is happening.
Ty dalej żyjesz swoją prywatą.Zgloszenie jest w formie posta na forum.Od momentu jak dołączyłeś do konwesrjacji ,nie ma żadnej "prywaty" .Tymbardziej ,ze naginasz fakty i przeinaczasz teiche ciag zdarzeń.Jak nawet chcesz robić jakaś prywate na forum ,to tymbardziej sie nie nadajesz na moderatora czegokolwiek.Czego nie rozumiesz? Bo moze zle sie wyrazilem i cos jest nie zrozumiałe ? Ja sie moge przyznać ,ze mam problemy z pisaniem.Czemu to juz ,sie tłumaczyć nie musze .Bo gdzies jest granica prywatności.I mogłeś mnie zle zrozumiec w którymś momencie .Nie tobie płaciłem za gre . Mnie Twoje zdanie nie intetesuje . Jesteś moderatorem na discordzie.Tylko moderatorem,z wolontariatu.Oczywiscie ,ze masz prawo pisać jakie masz zdanie.
Czy wypowiedziec sie w stosunku do postu .Ale to tyle .Nie wyskakuj tu z zadnymi prywatnymi propozycjami.Tak forum forum nie dziala i zglaszanie problemów.Teksty innych wynajmujesz z kontekstu .O swoich aroganckich zapominasz.Czy pomazywaniu pseudo wladzy .
Dalesza dyskusja moja z Toba jest raczej zbędna.Bo pokazujesz tylko dwulicowość.Tu taki arogancki i cwany jak na discordzie, juz nie jestes.Czemu ? Bo tu nie mozesz zrobic pyskowki i dac komus bama ,zeby nikt nie widzial .Jest to zalosne zachowanie jak na moderatora .Milego dnia zycze
odnosnie chama .Gosc mial racje i nie obraził Cie ,wiec za co mial przepraszać?
cham w jezyku polskim oznacza sposob zachowywania sie i odnoszenia do innych ludzi.
Wiec za co mial Cie przeprosić? W danym momemcie sie zachowawyales jak cham i pan wladca swiata ,bo masz moderatora . Określenie kogos chamem w rozmowie na discordzie,nie jest obrazaniem czy wyzywaniem kogos .Emocje Cie ponosza i tyle .Naprawde jak dxieciaka ktory ma admina pierwszy raz na CSie .Do tego nie umiesz przyznac sie do bledu i posuwauw sie do klamstw , żeby chronic swoj tylek .

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I'm very happy that amongst all that commotion you at least managed to find a friend. You do seem like you need one. I honestly hope it works out for you, whatever it is you going through. I'm not your enemy- when you calm down a bit and feel like a decent civilized talk about that ban, feel free to message me in a private message.

Equivocus Original Comment

Pretty sure you trying to show face, but in reality you probably are what they say you are in the discord. Unless you give proof of you not being an a hole yeah i believe you but so far majority of the random game devs discord were pretty rude and trash to their consumers, so i believe people of the devs and wannabe devs in the discord because he sucked up to the devs to become a moderator.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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