Be careful selling your unique items

I see a lot of posts on this forum asking to buy whatever uniques you have. Be aware that there is a good chance the gold they are willing to give you will be duped gold and may or may not be wiped in a future patch. I would suggest trading for high level crafting materials or other tangible items.

It may be the case that some of these people haven't done this, but the economy is pretty broken gold wise atm. Just a PSA to the unwise, trade at your own risk.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Community

Everything is going to get wiped at some point. Doesn't really matter.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Everything is going to get wiped at some point. Doesn't really matter.

m.delmedico Original Comment

why would i all be wiped?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why would i all be wiped?

Asgardian Original Comment

before 1.04 you could stack/unstack gems and double their vendor price to several billions, basically, giving you unlimited gold (which can later be converted to affinity).

they will have to do a server wipe if they ever want the game to have a meaningfull economy.

imo, if they keep up with the game and won't bale on it, it's just a matter of time.
i guess now with all the shit show for launch and the bugs, they don't want any more fire on them, by stating they plan a full reset at some point.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

before 1.04 you could stack/unstack gems and double their vendor price to several billions, basically, giving you unlimited gold (which can later be converted to affinity).

they will have to do a server wipe if they ever want the game to have a meaningfull economy.

imo, if they keep up with the game and won't bale on it, it's just a matter of time.
i guess now with all the shit show for launch and the bugs, they don't want any more fire on them, by stating they plan a full reset at some point.

p0miki Original Comment

day before patch i was pretty happy as i earned some gold from selling some good items. but after the patch all my gold was taking.

Feels like double punishment cos i lost my items and my gold.

Dont feel like playing anymore, certainly if a total reset looms around the corner, why spend time in a game that keeps taking stuff away from you and yet i am the one payed for it. so stupid

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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