[PSA] Wolcen's First Trading Website has arrived! (WolcenTrade)

If you believe "a video's worth a thousand words," check this out: https://youtu.be/egHcA3_qKMk (otherwise... read on, for lots of "words" lol).

1. https://wolcengame.trade is a website created to assist Wolcen players with buying/selling items and contacting the sellers of said items, with ease.
2. Given the lack of current trading solutions for the game, we threw this together to hold players over in the mean time, while we work with the community in designing additional features that they'd like to have (if possible and reasonably achievable).
3. That said, the site and its current version is very much a work in progress; but given the wonky solutions players have had to deal with so far (ie- random discord spamming; tons of google tabs for imgur links pertaining to [which discord user's] item(s) [again?]), we still believe the current version of our site will be an "upgrade," compared to what trading has entailed in Wolcen, so far. We hope you all agree :)

1. Steam authentication - To list an item, users are required to login via steam. this is done with literally two clicks (easy!). This accomplishes two main goals: #1. it allows us to tie items to a specific user (so that they can click "your items" (once logged in), to edit/delete listings as necessary) and #2. to tie your wolcen/steam's online status (online/afk/invisible/offline) to your items (do note that to show ONLINE, your steam setting should be set to 'online' AND Wolcen (not some other steam game of yours) has to be open)
2. [Very basic] item filtering - As a starting point, we've implemented some basic filtering options, for users. Currently, users are able to browse items on a per item-category/type basis (ie- 1H weapon > sword; 2H weapon > axe; Accessory > ring; etc). As much as we wish this site could have all the search/filter capabilities as a site, such as poe.trade does (for poe), this would delay our launch QUITE some time (meaning - for however long that is - you guys would be left with only discord spamming, as a trading solution, all the while [NOT GOOD!]). Further, this becomes very difficult to implement, given the facts that Wolcen has no trade-API (or similar), or some other easy way to get item-data out of your game and into a tool/site/etc. So, its basic for now, but at least it's SOMETHING, where NOTHING like this previously existed (for searching/filtering through lots of Wolcen items, in one place & in a single browser-tab (rather than 80 links/tabs, for 80 different tabs of Imgur links, tediously clicked upon, among many many others in a discord channel)). Tackling this obstacle will be difficult, but we're very aware of how essential this will be for an 'end-game' trading resource/site. We're hoping this 'will do for now.'
3. Shop Management - Once logged in via steam, clicking your steam avatar (top-right corner) will display two options: "Sign out" and "Your Items." Clicking "Your Items" will bring you to https://wolcengame.trade/profile, where you can then see (and manage) all items you've listed for sale, on the site. Again, there is no system in place, such as PoE's premium tab system that allows for the de-listing of an item by simply removing it from the tab (ie- selling it to another player). That being the case, it is strongly recommended that after selling an item, you come back to this link to delete the item you just sold from the website. Otherwise, you'll likely have to deal with unwanted messages from players, trying to buy an item you no longer possess (which would be annoying for both you AND the buyer, for sure).
4. Contact methods and details - When submitting a listing, you'll be faced with two form-fields, pertaining to how buyers should go about contacting you. Your Wolcen-specific IGN (required) and your discord username#number (optional). Since you can not paste text into the chat-box, in game, pasting "/w [wolcen ign]" into the chat-box is impossible (so you must manually type it out and/or add as a friend, before making a single trade). For those of you with a discord account, you might find that you prefer chatting with potential buyers this way, vs. the in-game chat. For this reason, we've allowed users to optionally list their discord contact details, in case they prefer talking with other players that way.
5. Online status - As mentioned above, items will display whether or not the seller is "online/afk/offline." For those of you who've used poetrade before, I'm sure you understand how convenient this is. For those of you who've NOT used poetrade (or similar poe-trading sites), seeing if a seller is online is important because otherwise you would be messaging tons of offline players for no reason, for undetermined amounts of time (hassle = large). Green dot by someone's name means "online," yellow is "afk" and grey is 'offline.' To reiterate the point from earlier: to show 'online,' - you must have "online" set to your online-status (in steam settings) AND Wolcen must be the game you're actively playing via steam. This means that you wont have to worry about whispering someone because they're "online," only to see that this is false, due to the seller playing a different game, at the time you try contacting them.
6. Price/buyout - Currently, in the interest of simplicity (for now), each listing will offer a 'price' field, where you indicate what you'll be charging for the item. Atm, this is simply a text-box ready for a string of your choosing. This allows you to list an item for sale, where you charge gold/orbs/primordial-affinity(PA)/etc. (or any combo of these), for the item. Be advised: Any trading activities which involve RMT (real money trading), "forum gold," or any other form of payment which does not exist naturally inside of the game (gold, primordial affinity, orbs, other items, etc) is strictly forbidden on WolcenTrade. Listings discovered to be engaging in any of this will be removed. There are other websites which revolve around these RMT type of activities and WolcenTrade is NOT one of them. Appropriate action will be taken against logged-in accounts which attempt to sell items for prohibited forms of payment. Adding validation for the "price" field across all the in-game currencies would take a little bit of time, which would delay the launch for this site; which - again - is contrary to our primary goal of "get this solution to the players, literally ASAP." As a side-note, this temporary solution makes sorting by price a bit more difficult than otherwise, but this will be tackled soon enough my friends. In either case, whatever you put for "price," here, will be displayed beside the item, for all to see; just like many of you poe-players are already used to

1. As mentioned, this site is still very much a work in progress. There are tons of ways we can think of, for how to improve the site for users (such as advanced filtering; unique links for players' shops (so that they can share it with other players, easily); some css/aesthetics here and there; and more...); but, rather than waste time implementing features the players don't really want (potentially), we'd rather work directly with the playerbase in order to identify (and attempt implementing) features that are most important to the players
2. Do note that: Given a lack of options, for extracting in-game item data (such as poe's ctrl+c, while hovering over an item, in-game; or an API to read from, which contains items and their data, gathered via special/premium stash tab(s)) - in a lot of ways, Imgur images are still arguably the most convenient way to encapsulate all of an item's data, for others to see. Luckily, the players who've tried actively trading in Wolcen so far, are certainly accustomed to this Imgur-system already lol. Ofc, this isn't perfect. We know. However, we've tried hard to think of other alternatives, given the lack of an api/premium-tab system/etc., but long story short... images still seem best (for now, anyway) in terms of: A) Displaying item data to other players, B) submitting item data (when adding an item to the site (like, who wants to tediously, manually transcribe every letter/number that exists on an item, just to submit that ONE item as a listing, to sell?); and C) getting SOME kind of resource/website/tool to the public AS SOON AS POSSIBLE). As usual, if you have a better idea, we're happily ready to hear you out!
3. All of this, to say: If there is an idea/feature you'd like to see on the site - big OR small - please don't hesitate to submit your request via our designated google form (found here: https://forms.gle/k9e8UDA2UvA9HVsF7 )! This form is linked to a g-sheet so that all of your requests can be consolidated in one place, and analyzed accordingly. This will help us ensure that our highest priorities for the project become those which the players want the most. All feedback/suggestions are welcome!

1. Consider giving https://wolcengame.trade a try, for buying/selling items
2. The site (and game, itself) don't exactly allow for an 'ideal' trading solution just yet; but, given existing alternatives, we believe this site in its current version will still help with buying/selling items in Wolcen, so long as people list items there for other players to browse.
3. While a trade-API, premium tabs, copying item data to clipboard, and various other factors are OUT of OUR hands (its up to Wolcen devs, to implement); there ARE some things that ARE under our control, in terms of implementing features that the community would like, that could make the site better for trading in Wolcen. If something in particular comes to mind, for you, and you'd like to see it [possibly] implemented, you're all encouraged to provide feedback/suggestions via THIS GOOGLE FORM ( https://forms.gle/k9e8UDA2UvA9HVsF7 ). This will by far be the best way to ensure your voice is heard. Going forward, we will be actively working on the site and adding features (where said features will almost 100% come from submissions made via that google form)!
Anyways... Thanks for your time and for 'hanging in there,' up to this point in this post (if you did). We hope the site helps you all, with all of your Wolcen-trading endeavors! :)

Take care,
- Wolcen_Trade

Replies: 7

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Community

Thanx you!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Thanx you!

Seppuku Original Comment

Any time man - I hope it helps! Any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to throw em my way, for sure (google form for feedback included in the post)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Should be nice if we could enlarge picture:)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

why doesnt it show everything? you have to hit load more for it to keep showing more items.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Should be nice if we could enlarge picture:)

Seppuku Original Comment

agreed. its on the to-do list and will be available sometime in the near future!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

why doesnt it show everything? you have to hit load more for it to keep showing more items.

ss48 Original Comment

oh, its just a form of pagination. Loading each and every listed item, eventually, might have some serious page performance (load time) issues; so pagination helps with that kinda stuff

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago


Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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