What skills do count as "Spells"?

Ok here is my problem, hence I would like to play a melee character besides my mage but cant somehow understand the skill&passive system in this game very much. Does melee skills like Bladestorm count as spells in the game? or do they count as attack? So far as I understand, basic attack counts as attack... and giving passive points to that location improves the basic attack. BUT hence I played up til now with a mage, the description spell critical chance was not a a matter to misunderstand but now that I want to play a melee character, I really am not sure if "Bladestorm" or "Bleeding edge" or any kind of melee skill counts as "spell" hence in terms of RPG a "spell" is a ranged cast skill like mage's fireball or like versa. Hope someone can enlighten me on this topic.

And another tip for the developers, "if" those skills count as spells, please add some "spell" tag into the skill description, so we know where to spend our skill points. Because resetting passive skills just for 1 passive point every single time is really tedious and ridiculous. You also should make it for example 30 primordial per 1 passive or like that. This way we can respec out passives more effectively without destroying the whole build every single time.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

every skill has tags. Those tags tell you what type it is. If it has spell on the tag its a spell. If it doesnt its not a spell.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

every skill has tags. Those tags tell you what type it is. If it has spell on the tag its a spell. If it doesnt its not a spell.

windleaf666 Original Comment

Hmm I checked the mentioned part, thx I have overseen that part.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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