Alexandrite block gems

i don,t know if this changed recently but Alexandrite gems in defensive slots give 6% block chance 6% block efficiency or X% all resistances, but the block chance is a flat increase of 6% while currently block efficiency is 6% of your base ?!? while i can understand not wanting EVERYONE to just spam these gems, that is seriously unbalanced especially if you don't use a shield as you are only going to be getting like .9% block efficiency per gem. if this was intended then i think it really needs some rebalancing

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

The biggest stones give 10% if they didn't change anything. Block is balanced arround the usage of a shield and far less beneficial with weapons.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

The biggest stones give 10% if they didn't change anything. Block is balanced arround the usage of a shield and far less beneficial with weapons.

macknum Original Comment

Have not seen any gems nearly that high, although I'm not THAT far in yet. 6% is the best I've seen also.
Block chance and block efficiency are two totally different things though, and it being balanced around shields has nothing to do with what he's talking about. While shields DO add base block efficiency as a flat %, efficiency gems and passives add it as a % of your current efficiency, which as the OP stated makes no sense.

Even with a shield, my block efficiency is quite low with the addition of gems but my block chance is enormous because all heavy armor as well as passives and the shield add FLAT block chance. The only block efficiency passives, as well as the gems, give a % increase to your CURRENT block efficiency.

Choosing to play a more supportive role like tank/paladin style of gameplay feels like it's being punished, tbh, and restricting the variety of builds players can choose is never a good idea.

At least one or the other, passives or gems, needs to add flat efficiency to blocks imo.

Created: 4 years, 7 months ago

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