Make Passive Dodge viable compared to Block

I really like the few Major and Minor Keynodes that plays with Passive Dodge, but they are way too few.

The only two Keynodes that actually benefit from high dodge is. * Covert Operative * Salvatory Anchor

This makes for an interesting build with both Health and Force Shield, which looks like a fun combination of defensive layers.

But compare that to the six Block Nodes spread around the tree, all of them very viable. Let's not then talk about the minor ones that are much stronger for block (for example, even if nerfed, Siegebreaker).

Do note that one would think the Blessed Silver node would benefit from Passive Dodge at first glance, but when reading further down in the specifics it says "when you Dodge Roll". This node would be a very good incentive for Passive Dodgers, for example.

Another suggestion would be to ease on the Active Dodge Rolls Keynodes (there are how many, three?) over to Passive Dodge.

Buff Passive Dodge for more diverse defensive options!

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I hit 70% dodge chance fairly easily, you can stack dodge % on gems :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I hit 70% dodge chance fairly easily, you can stack dodge % on gems :)

Razzak Original Comment

Yes, that is no problem. But why go Dodge when you can get Block that gives you other nice benefits both for Defense and Offense. I just want Dodge to become more interesting in relation to Block.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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