Passive tree question - This doesn't seem very balanced

Why does it seem like the passive tree doesn't make much sense. I'm a ranger and I want to go for projectile damage but when I click Refined Sentinel node it has Melee Damage + Ranged Projectile Damage? Who would want to have melee damage if they are going ranged? So basically I can use half of this node instead of the full node? Can someone help me understand this.

It seems like the bottom melee nodes are more balanced than the ranged nodes.

Soldier red nodes say:
Increased Critical Hit Damage - both melee build & ranger build
Increased melee weapon damage - melee build

Sentinel nodes say:
Increased Melee weapon damage - melee build
Increased Projectile Damage - ranged build

So melee builds can used all of their node powers but sentinel/ranger builds can use half of the nodes power?

This doesn't seem very balanced to me.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

This is really a far reaching complaint.

For starters, this only concerns 2 small nodes in each "tree".
And you're completely ignoring the fact, that the tree's are able to cater to completely different kind of builds. Comparing them is pointless.

What if we put it like this?
Soldiers nodes are 12/12. while the Sentinel nodes are 15/15.
That doesn't seem very balanced to me.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

This is really a far reaching complaint.

For starters, this only concerns 2 small nodes in each "tree".
And you're completely ignoring the fact, that the tree's are able to cater to completely different kind of builds. Comparing them is pointless.

What if we put it like this?
Soldiers nodes are 12/12. while the Sentinel nodes are 15/15.
That doesn't seem very balanced to me.

Snowflake Original Comment

That's a stupid reply and you know it.

Nodes should not be split like that.

There are absolutely more than "just two" instances of that in the tree.

In fact, you could probably click at random in the passive tree and still get a decent stat boost no matter what build you use, outside of a very select few large nodes.

That just waters things down so much, and makes all builds the same in terms of their play style.

It reminds me of Syndrome, from the Incredibles: "When everyone is super... nobody will be."

Oh, or maybe you would like the joke gift given to BioWare by angry Mass Effect fans after Mass Effect 3 was released: The fans sent the devs a ton of vanilla-flavored cupcakes. The only difference in the choice was "Blue icing, Red icing, or Green icing".

That's how the passive tree feels right now. "Do I want Purple-colored dots, Red-colored dots, or Green-colored dots?"

Nodes should have an increase in a stat that is appropriate for the type of build that would venture into that section of the passive tree.

There should never be two different Melee + Ranged nodes in separate sections of the passive tree.

There should be an entire section dedicated to Melee builds, and another section dedicated to Ranged builds.

Put stuff like "% chance to stun when using melee weapons" or "gain additional damage when dual wielding, or gain additional crit chance when using a 2h melee weapon" in the melee section.

Put stuff like "all projectiles pierce enemies" or "gain increased fire rate when dual wielding ranged weapons, or gain increased crit chance when using a 2h ranged weapon" in the projectile section.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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