Rend Damage?

What exactly is Rend damage? The only thing I know it goes into the "Material" damage group.

There's nodes to convert Physical to Rend in the passive tree. There's an Apocalypse Form that exclusively deals Rend damage.

How does it work?
Going by my experience from Titan Quest, Grim Dawn and Path of Exile it really makes me think it's "Bleed".
Is Rend damage dealt over time?
Or does it just hit and deal flat damage?

Any help clarifying the matter would be appreciated

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I believe I can answer this for you.

There are many different types of damage in this game. Each one with an associated ailment. Chance to apply said ailment relies on your Wisdom and specific nodes in the tree.

All damage types, including Rend, hits for a flat amount. The highest damage type will have a chance to apply its ailment.

For Rend, this is a Bleed ailment, so you're not totally off.

as far as I know, other than the ailment applied, damage types don't matter unless you scale specific ones in the tree.

But there is also a resistance type for each damage type, so perhaps certain enemies are more resistant to certain types of damage, but we don't know for sure.

TLDR; Rend is a damage type like any other and hits for FLAT damage, but has a chance to apply Bleed based on its Status Ailment Chance (Wisdom)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

@Endroil's answer lines up with what devs explained during Zizaran's stream on launch day.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I believe I can answer this for you.

There are many different types of damage in this game. Each one with an associated ailment. Chance to apply said ailment relies on your Wisdom and specific nodes in the tree.

All damage types, including Rend, hits for a flat amount. The highest damage type will have a chance to apply its ailment.

For Rend, this is a Bleed ailment, so you're not totally off.

as far as I know, other than the ailment applied, damage types don't matter unless you scale specific ones in the tree.

But there is also a resistance type for each damage type, so perhaps certain enemies are more resistant to certain types of damage, but we don't know for sure.

TLDR; Rend is a damage type like any other and hits for FLAT damage, but has a chance to apply Bleed based on its Status Ailment Chance (Wisdom)

Endroil Original Comment

Thanks, this clear up a lot!

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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