Brand new Wolcen player!

Just started playing about a week ago, and loving it. I went from PoE, to Last Epoch (I do like both), and now to Wolcen. Of the three games Wolcen really hits the sweet spot for me with graphics, pace, combat, etc. Only lvl15 so far, but I feel like I'll be playing this for a long time.

Replies: 4

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

The game is really fun, but still I can't deny the feeling that it's an incomplete game, I just feel they rushed releasing the game due to finance problems or something but as a foundation i can't wait for another year of development and the release of acts IV-V and maybe more endgame content. then the game will start to shine with regular releases of chronicles "Leagues".

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

youl learn to dislike it soon.. once you consistently loose enough progressionend game due to immence amounts of bugs and feeling of being alone cus of none existing multiplayer.

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

youl learn to dislike it soon.. once you consistently loose enough progressionend game due to immence amounts of bugs and feeling of being alone cus of none existing multiplayer.

smirre_furia Original Comment

Well, I'm with you that the game have bugs and stuff but I still treat it as an alpha to this day even if they said it's a "released game", since it's still incomplete, we are still missing at least 2 acts and the real crafting system, and I hope for more endgame mechanics to engage with beside the expeditions.

If you forget about the "released game" line and treat it as a game in alpha it'll be decent foundation of a potential good game, all we can do is to play the game from time to time, give feedbacks and bug reports to help the devs polish the game.

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

Some bugs still exist, the one that annoys me the most is when game somehow teleport you to the higher ground and there is no way down, all you can do is to wait to get killed three times and start again expedition map, I sincerely hope that game developers will fix him and the one where monsters simply stop and do nothing neither melee attack neither they cast spells...annoying indeed!

By the way don't forget from time to time to get out you know just to little stretch the legs, this game is pretty "contagious" in a good sense! that thing can show on your overall body weight-That's the "Quality of Life" I can give you ;)

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

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