Issues clicking loot on floorr


Great game, thank you :)

My main QoL gripe is that I routinely struggle to pick up loot from the floor, despite directly clicking the loot's label.

This is irrespective of whether I have the default view, or am holding down alt to view all loot.

Instead of looting, my clicks are simply read as a movement command, with my character moving to various positions around the loot, rather than picking it up.

Repeated clicks on the label with my character standing still next to it enable the item to be looted.

With looting obviously being such a core minute to minute part of gameplay, I'm finding this very grating.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I would maybe post this in the bug forum instead of QoL - Include your resolution.

I personally don't have this issue, but I know if I was on the Support team for Wolcen, I would be checking for Bugs more frequently than QoL - Esp this close to launch, and don't want your post to be ignored.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I would maybe post this in the bug forum instead of QoL - Include your resolution.

I personally don't have this issue, but I know if I was on the Support team for Wolcen, I would be checking for Bugs more frequently than QoL - Esp this close to launch, and don't want your post to be ignored.

TeoDaTank Original Comment

Thanks, will do

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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