Mage Staff Weapons

I have seen numerous drops of unique, high-powered melee weapons but I have yet to see a unique or greater Staff for a mage. The unique Thirst amulet was a breath of fresh air to finally have a unique mage item. I don't know if it's just my RNG luck or if such items haven't been implemented yet.

Replies: 10

Created: 4 years, 9 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

well for me the mage seems like a bit 2 weak aswell, but not because of the items, but the overall skill dmg

Created: 4 years, 9 months ago

Really? I am pretty satisfied with my damage as a mage. A good skill setup and I tend to just kill pretty much everything really quickly.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

i found a unique staff, they are in there but

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

ok here are my mage exp so far, me as a dedicated aarp (main mage player), i played almost all aarpg's, games like Sacred gold 1-2 diablo 2-3 torchlight 1-2 Grim dawn Forgotten gods and some more so i normaly know about what im talking in arpg's.
Im playing multiplayer with a good friend, hes a warrior, a dedicated tank so far this game allows 2, he plays fulltank, while we manage 2 make him unkillable with over 60% block chance, he can go afk in vet 5. his fulltank build with olny the weapon on fulldmg, and his only dmg skill bleeding edge, that gives tons of liveleech aswell, so he can clear basicly everything but champs/rare/boss monster while is unkillable(his crit dmg around 2-3k while he tanks the vet 5 bosses without need 2 move away).
If u look up youtube builds, u will not find a single mage that goes further then 30 in solo play, if u look up anything else u will find alot more.
So we talked about stuff, looked on the internet and the only thing 2 go further then 37 is for me 2 creat a dmg dealing warrior, like some on youtube dealing 14-18k bleeding edge crits, no matter what i will do with my mage, he will never be able 2 deal that much dmg.
Second option for me 2 go a bit further as the mage carry is, switch my gear from full forcshield into hp allresi, and adjust the skilltree onto dmg per % allresi, but then forceshield gear is completly useless...
Mages need love because there woun't be alot mages going further than me.

(Edited 4 years, 8 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

ahh I havent gone down that far so yeah I'll trust you on sure the balance will come.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

*"ok here are my mage exp so far, me as a dedicated aarp (main mage player), i played almost all aarpg's, games like Sacred gold 1-2 diablo 2-3 torchlight 1-2 Grim dawn Forgotten gods and some more so i normaly know about what im talking in arpg's. Im playing multiplayer with a good friend, hes a warrior, a dedicated tank so far this game allows 2, he plays fulltank, while we manage 2 make him unkillable with over 60% block chance, he can go afk in vet 5. his fulltank build with olny the weapon on fulldmg, and his only dmg skill bleeding edge, that gives tons of liveleech aswell, so he can clear basicly everything but champs/rare/boss monster while is unkillable(his crit dmg around 2-3k while he tanks the vet 5 bosses without need 2 move away). If u look up youtube builds, u will not find a single mage that goes further then 30 in solo play, if u look up anything else u will find alot more. So we talked about stuff, looked on the internet and the only thing 2 go further then 37 is for me 2 creat a dmg dealing warrior, like some on youtube dealing 14-18k bleeding edge crits, no matter what i will do with my mage, he will never be able 2 deal that much dmg. Second option for me 2 go a bit further as the mage carry is, switch my gear from full forcshield into hp allresi, and adjust the skilltree onto dmg per % allresi, but then forceshield gear is completly useless... Mages need love because there woun't be alot mages going further than me."*
would love to see his tank build and gear xD, i m bruiser with shield and sword but dont have full red gear. i deal about 800 average damage and 2,3k crit (what i have seen)

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

also this forum need adjustmend can't properly edit or reply to other messages (no submit button, or can't scroll down)

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Game has tons of potential with the right tweaks. Skill trees are great just need more damage and survivability for mages. It was the same way during Alpha phase testing where melee/ranger was better solo than mages. I don't have any friends that (currently) play the game and every time I try and matchup online with other players I get solo so...I can only test solo play at this point, which is fine.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

anyone knows ragnarock online? give the mage energy coat as a 1/2 handed staff skill, all problems would be solved immediatly, a buff spell that gives allresi in some kind of way but it should be like atleast 5 mins if u activate it.. this way forceshield dosnt need any buffs, because on forceshield builds u will get the allresi u need( all other classes get it from hp/allresi gear) from silverstone gems and that spell.
Also this would make 1 handed staff's needed so other crazy builds can happen, where u go energy shield gear, have one 1handed staff and anything else in the second hand (energy coat use 1/2 handed staff's) boom im a genius.

(Edited 4 years, 8 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

anyone knows ragnarock online? give the mage energy coat as a 1/2 handed staff skill, all problems would be solved immediatly, a buff spell that gives allresi in some kind of way but it should be like atleast 5 mins if u activate it.. this way forceshield dosnt need any buffs, because on forceshield builds u will get the allresi u need( all other classes get it from hp/allresi gear) from silverstone gems and that spell.
Also this would make 1 handed staff's needed so other crazy builds can happen, where u go energy shield gear, have one 1handed staff and anything else in the second hand (energy coat use 1/2 handed staff's) boom im a genius.

kinghollow Original Comment

Good ideas I hope they take hold in some fashion and move forward with mage flexibility and class progression.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

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