Need spell damage info in character details

In the detailed character menu, we can see Attack Speed Bonus, Critical Chance, and Critical Damage, but specifically that of weapons. There is a severe lack of spellcaster based information on this list, making it more difficult to compare item sets from the perspective of a caster.

Spell speed, crit chance and damage are an absolute need in this menu, but beyond that, things like willpower regen speed, and rage/willpower transfer time would help as well.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Spell Crit Chance and damage are specific to spells, the increment from ferocity is compounded into the base chance that are found on the skill tab no ? but i agree that spell speed, regen speed and rage/willpower transfer speed would be nice addition to the current character sheet page

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Spell Crit Chance and damage are specific to spells, the increment from ferocity is compounded into the base chance that are found on the skill tab no ? but i agree that spell speed, regen speed and rage/willpower transfer speed would be nice addition to the current character sheet page

ciaoliao Original Comment

There is skill specific stuff, but it would be nice to at least have a culmination of your gear bonuses to those things in one spot just to see and compare.

I'd also kill for a d3 style compare screen that gives you some basic info on what stats will go up/down if you equipped said item.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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