[] Delibas's Bladestorm Build 35k HP with videos! (lvl 54 version)

This is my first build guide on this forum.
I also stream:

The main reason to play a spin to win build is to deal damage while you are moving so play accordingly and dont try to facetank everything considering you have relatively high hp. This guide is a balanced mix of toughness and ferocity.

Things you should know:
1- Attiributes should be evenly distributed %50 Ferocity %50 Toughness.
2-You should start spinning when you got about full rage to maximize your dps.
3- There is a buff icon above your health bar that gives %15 chance to deal double damage. It changes stances every time you roll. You have a %50 chance to get the right stance but if you keep an eye on that icon to look like facing left side you will get that buff for sure.
4- Dont forget to use your juggernaut before boss fights.
5- Use spinning blade when the boss is stunned to make sure you are safe when u are casting that. Pop your rage potion 2 or 3 times right after and when u are about full rage start spinning again.


Attiributes and Active Skills:

Passive Tree:

Current Gear:

Feel free to ask me any questions through forum, twitch or youtube!

Have fun!

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

Seems quite reasonable. What I don't understand how someone does 250k damage per tick at level 73 against level 135 opponents.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Seems quite reasonable. What I don't understand how someone does 250k damage per tick at level 73 against level 135 opponents.

dukefx Original Comment

Yeah sounds broken :)

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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