Detailed Bow Guide - Wailing arrow - Mark Of Impurity Insane dps

Welcome to my guide.

UPDATE:21.feb I've completed champion expeditions and I'm starting to die a lot in low master expeditions(100+ expeditions). So I might have to do several changes.
I have a completely new build in mind that is build arround plagueburst and Mark of Impurity

I wanted to create a bow character which focused on both strong basic hit damage and skill damage.
I'm currently level 71 online, and haven't encountered anything this build can't handle.
Clearing champion expedition with ease 80+
On to the guide!


Throw everything into ferocity your attack speed will be fine without taking agility I will cover that later on.


1.Mark of Impurity: Target Elminated - (Fate of the unholy) - Defect of creation - (Strange mercy) - (Guilt by association)
2. Duskshroud: Final trick - Lapse in focus - Light's swift retraction - Ex nihilo - (Shrouded assailant) - Crepusular attunement
3. Avengers turret: Sleepless sentry - High calibre ammunition - Flak launcher - Precision bullets - Cranial focus fire - Kinetic trauma - Unstable engine of destruction
4. Wailing arrow: Force bow - Irate smiting - (The black cloud) - Shattering arrowheads - Attrition strategy - Eagle eye - Broadhead - (Vanquisher's overlook)
5. Phantom blades: Vorpal blades - Needless in perpetuity - (Bladed blizzard) - Thich edges - Butterfly's eye - Dismissal - Gutting Wheel

(Late game/Mid game) Mandatory Skill modifiers are ()
While leveling pick and choose what your prefer or what you get as a drop. I pretty much completed the campaign with just basic hit, wailing arrow and phantom blades. After the leveling the builds really start to shine, but it was pretty decent to level with. Except act 1 boss as any other build.

Gate of fate

Start of in Sentinel and get
1. Refined Technique
2. Precise Strikes
3. Backline Raider

Then we go to Ranger
1.Shoot to Kill
2. Archion’s Teachings
3. Bullseye
4. Deadly Aim
5. Swiftness
6. Swift Death
7. Safe From Afar
8. Persistence Hunting
9. Overwhelming Barrage

Then we go to White arrow
1. Wintry Hail
2. Ice Shall Wake
3. Acute Tracking

Next up is Soldier
1. Heavy Blows
2. Zealous Might

Then head over to Assasin
1. Merciless Lethality

Last stop Alastor
1. Pulse Control
2. Shock Invasion
3. Intravneous Neural Cord
4. Cautious Effort
5. Condensator
6. Static Transferal

Thereafter you can start putting in some tweeks in like:
Slipping shadow in Assasin
The wild card in Soldier etc

Link to gate of fate and how you should align it below:

Stats on gear

Weapon: Get a bow with frost damage
Frost damage on attacks with this weapon
increase Critical Damage
Critical Chance
Elemental Damage
Attack speed


Stack and kite everything inside the instance, and then mark of Impurity on 1 mob use duskshroud and position yourself and throw wailing arrow and watch everything explode elites, bosses or whatever is inside your stack. Thus it depends on how many your are able to stack. Extremely satisfying playstyle and it reminds me of one of my all time fav builds in Diablo 3 Exploding palm. The builds has super fast clear speed if you execute it properly.
Last tip you can even put mark of Impurity and pop your r, and watch everything die and exit by pressing r again.

Before I end this guide I wanna give credit to this dude almost the same gate of fate build, but the skills are a lot different.

Edit. Just saw this video
It's a completely different build, but it does use same mechanics. And it seems like this type of builds can handle the end-game.

Replies: 24

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

I'm definitely checking out this type of build.
Nice detailed instructions...thumbs up

I have spent some time going through gate of fates which sometimes starts to feel more like wheel of pain when trying to figure out best skills to pick out.

Still with approx. lvl 22 character but pretty much following same footsteps you pointed out in this build. Now after I did go through this build I have more clear picture in my mind what to pursue.
Biggest issue I still have is that I haven't found any decent frost damage bow.

I'm playing Wolcen with friends so it's interesting to see how this plays out as there is melee tank smashing enemies so kiting and stacking enemies the way you mentioned might not be as easy. Time will show. Good thing is I can just rain arrows non stop myself.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'm definitely checking out this type of build.
Nice detailed instructions...thumbs up

I have spent some time going through gate of fates which sometimes starts to feel more like wheel of pain when trying to figure out best skills to pick out.

Still with approx. lvl 22 character but pretty much following same footsteps you pointed out in this build. Now after I did go through this build I have more clear picture in my mind what to pursue.
Biggest issue I still have is that I haven't found any decent frost damage bow.

I'm playing Wolcen with friends so it's interesting to see how this plays out as there is melee tank smashing enemies so kiting and stacking enemies the way you mentioned might not be as easy. Time will show. Good thing is I can just rain arrows non stop myself.

GIRamok Original Comment

The alignment of gate of fate seems to be crucial to create a good build, I also tried different options. But this seems quite optimal right now, I encourage you to check this link

If you are playing with someone who uses anomaly it could be really good even with a tank.

When I've pushed this builds to the max I wanna experiment with going pistol/cataclyst so I can use both anomaly and plagueburst. And proceed with a a more dot oriented build using ailments like toxic and rend damage.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Nice guide. I like playing attack based ranged characters and ended up with an almost similar build.
Though I went with something around 6/4 in fer/agi as I wanted to pump my attack speed score for all the multipliers we get from passives (150% from big nodes in Ranger in Alastor). I'm wondering if it's worth it and since I'm too cheap to spend 30k gold for a reset to experiment with the stats right now: could you tell me how much crit chance and attack speed you end up with? At level 59 with suboptimal gear I sit around 60% crit and 50%AS (boosted to 60 after crit)

For skills I have one difference which is Evasion over Phantom Blades (Though they are my probable choice for the last unlocked skillpoint later).
I think it supplements this build very well, going with Decoy and Unseen autonomy + whatever you like (reduced cd, movespeed, extra range for me). The only really problematic enemies I face are those who pull and stun you as one failed dodge can mean death against something like a higher Rage Demon. Evasion is the perfect counter as it breaks the stun and gets me out of their upcoming attack at the same time.
The Decoy I found to be very strong in combination with Duskshroud. Having a Decoy up and going invisible makes all enemies fight it, even those pesky melee bosses that constantly want to jump you. That gives you some easy shooting time and can even totally reset a fight if you ever land in a hairy situation.

And have you tried running deflective barrier on the Autoturret? I find this upgrade a little overpowered for a char that wants to autoattack as much as possible. Drop it before a fight and you can just ignore every projectile (including railguns, spitters, big fireballs, etc) while shooting everything to pieces. Even though you can also sidestep and dodge most ranged attacks, that's time not spend attacking. And there is little more annoying than losing your 10 Accute Tracking stacks to that random slow moving arrow you overlooked hitting you mid-animation. Somewhat of a quality of life improvement for me.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Nice guide. I like playing attack based ranged characters and ended up with an almost similar build.
Though I went with something around 6/4 in fer/agi as I wanted to pump my attack speed score for all the multipliers we get from passives (150% from big nodes in Ranger in Alastor). I'm wondering if it's worth it and since I'm too cheap to spend 30k gold for a reset to experiment with the stats right now: could you tell me how much crit chance and attack speed you end up with? At level 59 with suboptimal gear I sit around 60% crit and 50%AS (boosted to 60 after crit)

For skills I have one difference which is Evasion over Phantom Blades (Though they are my probable choice for the last unlocked skillpoint later).
I think it supplements this build very well, going with Decoy and Unseen autonomy + whatever you like (reduced cd, movespeed, extra range for me). The only really problematic enemies I face are those who pull and stun you as one failed dodge can mean death against something like a higher Rage Demon. Evasion is the perfect counter as it breaks the stun and gets me out of their upcoming attack at the same time.
The Decoy I found to be very strong in combination with Duskshroud. Having a Decoy up and going invisible makes all enemies fight it, even those pesky melee bosses that constantly want to jump you. That gives you some easy shooting time and can even totally reset a fight if you ever land in a hairy situation.

And have you tried running deflective barrier on the …

Venomblade Original Comment

Right now I sit on 25% attack speed, crit chance 70% and critical damage 500%
I do wonder when diminishing return start to kick in, since I pop everything into ferocity.
The evasion ability can be useful in some situation indeed and I defiantly will try it but, atm Iam using phantom blade with the freeze aoe, seems to be pretty decent with just mark of imp and throw in a glade and everything dies. Atleast in champion level 80+
Failing dodge can be vital indeed, I try to sit on atleast 1 stamina all the time, so I can avoid one shot mechanic.
I haven't tried the barrier on auto turret modifier just yet. But as the evasion you mentioned I will try it out. I'm not using auto turret that much though. Main reason I have it i just in boss fights for the little damage it provides and ofc sometimes just dropping it to get some free damage while I weave in between enemies.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You say to go Persistence Hunting but on the link to the Gate of Fate you do not have the node selected. Would you update this so I am sure if there is a mistake in your written guide or your Gate of Fate, or neither if you can explain. Thank you so much .

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You say to go Persistence Hunting but on the link to the Gate of Fate you do not have the node selected. Would you update this so I am sure if there is a mistake in your written guide or your Gate of Fate, or neither if you can explain. Thank you so much .

admicawber Original Comment

You want to go Persistence Hunting, I will update the gate of fate link.
->physical condition -> Persistence hunting.
Thank you for the heads up

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You want to go Persistence Hunting, I will update the gate of fate link.
->physical condition -> Persistence hunting.
Thank you for the heads up

Maya Original Comment

I really like the guide you made here but I'm having difficulty figuring out the gate of fate? Any chance anyone has input this into a build calculator? It doesn't seam to be adding up when I look at my gate of fates...but it's very possible I'm doing it wrong lol.


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I really like the guide you made here but I'm having difficulty figuring out the gate of fate? Any chance anyone has input this into a build calculator? It doesn't seam to be adding up when I look at my gate of fates...but it's very possible I'm doing it wrong lol.


Kasen Original Comment

Well haven't done any calculation so far. The data needed is still limited.
If you followed this gate of fate
you should be able to do champion 97+

Right now Iam doing low master 103-115 and I'm starting to feel the lack of toughness. So I might have to reevaluate the abilities/skill point/attribute distribution at this point.

I do have a new build in mind though, that in theory can push the end game, might post it, if it performs well.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

That is really awesome thanks so much :D. I'm more of a visual person lol.

I do have a question about Mark of Impurity. Does it curse other enemies around it? Or only the one I actually targeted?


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

That is really awesome thanks so much :D. I'm more of a visual person lol.

I do have a question about Mark of Impurity. Does it curse other enemies around it? Or only the one I actually targeted?


Kasen Original Comment

Thank you.
Mandatory skill modifiers on Mark of impurity is Guilt of association which makes it spread to nearby enemies it synergies well with fate of the unholy which is the explosion.

So you just wanna stack up a group of mobs then Mark Of purity on a low HP target. And it will auto spread in a chain reaction to all nearby enemies and then they will explode as well.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Thank you.
Mandatory skill modifiers on Mark of impurity is Guilt of association which makes it spread to nearby enemies it synergies well with fate of the unholy which is the explosion.

So you just wanna stack up a group of mobs then Mark Of purity on a low HP target. And it will auto spread in a chain reaction to all nearby enemies and then they will explode as well.

Maya Original Comment

Ok that's good to know thanks for taking the time to explain how it works. I'm working towards getting that skill leveled up atm. Keep up the great work :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello there, it seems like a nice build, similar to mine. Well, similar to everybody who plays archer because the lack of diversity of useful skills lol. I like the way you displayed the build and the skill tree seems really good, The only thing i've done differently is i mixed a little bit more my skill points and in the gates of fate used more critical and attack speed stacking while damaging. Currently having no trouble against anything that doesn't one shot you in this game. Would be nice if we had a discord or anything to discuss a little bit better everyone who is going for an archer build, because i've found so much diversity in the building style you can have on this game. Good luck fellow archers and i hope we can find our ways.
Btw, if you want to have a little coop fun here's my tag is: athaneas-8501

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello there, it seems like a nice build, similar to mine. Well, similar to everybody who plays archer because the lack of diversity of useful skills lol. I like the way you displayed the build and the skill tree seems really good, The only thing i've done differently is i mixed a little bit more my skill points and in the gates of fate used more critical and attack speed stacking while damaging. Currently having no trouble against anything that doesn't one shot you in this game. Would be nice if we had a discord or anything to discuss a little bit better everyone who is going for an archer build, because i've found so much diversity in the building style you can have on this game. Good luck fellow archers and i hope we can find our ways.
Btw, if you want to have a little coop fun here's my tag is: athaneas-8501

Ataneas Original Comment

Hello fellow archer and thank you for the kind words.

Have you completed the campaign yet? if yes how far are you into expeditions?

Yes once the game is fully tested I think discord channels and new sites will arrive or at least I hope so!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello fellow archer and thank you for the kind words.

Have you completed the campaign yet? if yes how far are you into expeditions?

Yes once the game is fully tested I think discord channels and new sites will arrive or at least I hope so!

Maya Original Comment

Yes, i've completed the campaign and at the moment i'm lvl 52, fightning against lvl 67 mobs. close to master expeditions i think. Currently having no trouble at all just roflstomping through enemies with basic attacks. It'd be nice to exchange more builds info to see if we can make archer even better. I'm having 20k life atm. looking for better gear and guns but no luck yet. I know when some good things start to drop the build will reach a new level.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I had another question :D. What are your thoughts on the Aspects? Any suggestions?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I had another question :D. What are your thoughts on the Aspects? Any suggestions?

Kasen Original Comment

Elaborate please :) Thoughts on which aspects?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The 4 different aspects you can unlock. Are they all pretty much the same? It's not like we can use them that often.
Aspect of Dawn
Aspect of War
Aspect of Infinity
Aspect of Flesh

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The 4 different aspects you can unlock. Are they all pretty much the same? It's not like we can use them that often.
Aspect of Dawn
Aspect of War
Aspect of Infinity
Aspect of Flesh

Kasen Original Comment

Only tried Aspect of infinity. The beam can be pretty good. Other than that I am primarily using Aspect for survivability, if I am about to die for example just popping it and exiting it again. Or as I mentioned in the guide, if I got a huge pack of mobs mark one mob and enter the form. Since you actually do an explosion when you enter it.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Ah that's a great use for it thanks for the tips :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Right now I sit on 25% attack speed, crit chance 70% and critical damage 500%
I do wonder when diminishing return start to kick in, since I pop everything into ferocity.
The evasion ability can be useful in some situation indeed and I defiantly will try it but, atm Iam using phantom blade with the freeze aoe, seems to be pretty decent with just mark of imp and throw in a glade and everything dies. Atleast in champion level 80+
Failing dodge can be vital indeed, I try to sit on atleast 1 stamina all the time, so I can avoid one shot mechanic.
I haven't tried the barrier on auto turret modifier just yet. But as the evasion you mentioned I will try it out. I'm not using auto turret that much though. Main reason I have it i just in boss fights for the little damage it provides and ofc sometimes just dropping it to get some free damage while I weave in between enemies.

Maya Original Comment

So i finally got around to testing the stats.

For me, going around 75/25 in fero/agi got the highest increase in dps.
It's obviously depending on your %-multipliers, where the higher your crit damage the more even a little increase in crit chance will matter in the end.
From my reverse engineering of the crit score to chance formula and some spreadsheeting it looks like going 8/2 might be optimal for 500% crit damage. (don't forget to activate the +100%AS from Alastor passive when comparing DPS)

Though I didn't get the higher values to fit a limited exponential growth function perfectly, which it kinda looked like and seems natural as crit chance should be capped at 100%. I'll play around with some other nonlinear regression models over the weekend to see if I can get more accurate.

Also, this obviously only applies to dps from your basic attacks and not so much the skills. So overall dps might be higher with 9/1. Pure Fero seems to fall off a little bit but might still be worth it for a more skill reliant playstyle.
I think I'll stick with my 75/25 for now as I like the feeling of attacking faster. That's purely personal taste and in the end we're talking of slight differences while it's also dependent on how much flat stat increases you get on your gear.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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