End Game - Build List: Your One Stop Build Shop

This is an up to date list of guides that users on the forums have created. Think of this as a "one stop shop" for end game builds (meaning beyond Act 3 and into expeditions).

How do I submit my build guide?

  • Your guide should contain more than just your gear and a skill tree

  • If possible a leveling section would highly appreciated showing skill options while completing the 3 act story campaign

  • Pure theory crafted builds will not be added, builds should have featured testing (gameplay footage) of minimum level 50

  • We won't have any "clickbaity" titles to the list. For example "NUMBA ONE DPS GUIDE" or "OP NEVER DIE BUILD"

  • To submit your guide, just post a link in the thread, or send an email to [email protected]. It would be great if you write a few words about it too so we can add it as a preview/teaser of your build for others to enjoy.

{Rage Based Builds}

Ranged Rage Builds

1) WalterHaroldBishop's David Bow'ie. "you perma freeze basically everything"

2) Castielle-fextralife's White Arrow. "This Wolcen Build also takes advantage of high Critical Damage and Critical Chance, and the reason for this is that it is currently the most effective way to increase damage."


Melee Rage Builds

1) DesiredEnemy's Bleeding Edge high Crit build (lvl 60). "I am doing over 100k damage at level 66 and flying through Champion."


2) stefan.gwiggner's Bleeding Warpath. "this is the perfect combination of massive dps and speed"


3) hostysan's Madness Bleeding Edge+BladeStorm. "For Begginers and End Game!!!"


4) Carp_etman's Infinity Rage Masochist. "The main engine of this build, and its main advantage is the generation of INFINITY RAGE"


{Willpower Based Builds}

Ranged Willpower Builds

1) Razael's Plague Assassin. "With this build you can teleport and dash to between mobs like crazy"


2) Pengwin's Stasis/Freezing mage. "Play this Solo or great support!"


3) Nugi's Nova (Winter's Grasp). "At level 62 Winter's grasp has zero cooldown, allowing for massive DPS while staying mobile".


4) maniacalmorgan's Ailment Mage Build. "100+ Expedition Farming not utilizing any broken mechanics or taking advantage of any glitches."


Melee Willpower Builds

1) Castielle-fextralife's Stasis Knight. "The Stasis Knight uses a combination of Melee Skills and one really good AoE spell: Anomaly."


2) Zeckar's Infinity Blade/Slayer's Flurry Shadow Assassin. "Let me show you how to become an expert in performing lethal, dark slashes and dashes."


{Hybrid Builds}

1) MartyGameDK Fire Mage Hybrid. "I call this the Fire Mage Hybrid because the skills also comes from the Warrior skills and are modified into fire damage."


2) Narehate's 7 Ailment stacking Hybrid Mage. "We stack 7 ailments which stack our damage thanks to Immortal Offering."


Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

Hi i have question about Razael's Plague Assassin. You say put 2 points in toughness and 8 points into willpower? You mean wisdom? And for what we put point on critical. Poison is DOT and not scale with crit( ok i see passive Cabalist :) )

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Reserving comment for future additional builds

potentially add a "hybrid" category

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hi i have question about Razael's Plague Assassin. You say put 2 points in toughness and 8 points into willpower? You mean wisdom? And for what we put point on critical. Poison is DOT and not scale with crit( ok i see passive Cabalist :) )

Ozborn Original Comment

I would direct any specific build questions to the build guide creators forum threads. Cheers mate!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

2/19/2020 changelog
- Added 1 Ranged Willpower and 1 Ranged Rage build to list.

2/20/2020 changelog
-added 1 melee rage build to the list.
-added a "hybrid" build category.
-rearranged 1 build to hybrid and added 1 build to hybrid.

2/21/2020 changelog
-added 1 ranged willpower build to list.

2/24/2020 changelog
-added 1 ranged willpower build to list

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I feel like this became a list the Dev's looked at and systematically began nerfing....

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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