Toggle Original Post


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Nice combo between attack and spells ^^. I am wondering about the survivability though, in particular when you experience frame drops (it happens a lot for me). I am also wondering about the passive node "Insidious decay" because I think it may reduce the damage from "Which time cannot heal", and I don't think adding 2 affliction when you multiply them by two each tick is worth it : with this node you reach 30 stacks in 4 tick most of the time and without you reach 30 stack in 5 most of the time. You get to 30 a little bit faster but lose 30% of the dps (if "Which time cannot heal" is affected)

Don't mind martinjohansson8805 he is very toxic to every player of the game that doesn't reach "true endgame" expedition 150+, he doesn't understand that most players want to try new builds and do at least just a decent job.

Sanderock Original Comment

all our damage is damage over time :)
we dont do other damage :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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