Wolcen is a beautiful but foolish game


When i can't to kill the boss i don't know what to change in my build except of leveling.
Path of Exile has tremendous amount of settings
Add more mechanics, - much much more

Replies: 16

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

Wrong forum bud

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Wtf ur talking about... u have plenty of builds. Some of them for example just require 2 items and proper setup of passives. And u easly kill A3 boss under 40lv.

And yes, wrong forum

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Wtf ur talking about... u have plenty of builds. Some of them for example just require 2 items and proper setup of passives. And u easly kill A3 boss under 40lv.

And yes, wrong forum

fragus Original Comment

why do i need plenty of builds? I develop just 1 build.
I don't complain about the bosses
If you are a teenager, - then - yes you have good physical reflexes - and yes you can kill any boss but if you are over 45 years old then your reflexes are bad and you can't kill even a weak boss.
But all it doesn't matter - you misunderstood me
In wolcen there is no "deepness" in settings like in poe, so i remain in POE

There was not possibility to find proper forum that can be called: - "comparison" Wolcen VS POE

Poking around in tremendous amount of settings is the most awesome process in the game but you can't do it in wolcen to the same degree as in POE.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why do i need plenty of builds? I develop just 1 build.
I don't complain about the bosses
If you are a teenager, - then - yes you have good physical reflexes - and yes you can kill any boss but if you are over 45 years old then your reflexes are bad and you can't kill even a weak boss.
But all it doesn't matter - you misunderstood me
In wolcen there is no "deepness" in settings like in poe, so i remain in POE

There was not possibility to find proper forum that can be called: - "comparison" Wolcen VS POE

Poking around in tremendous amount of settings is the most awesome process in the game but you can't do it in wolcen to the same degree as in POE.

staglaitor Original Comment

When PoE first launched, all it had was no different than what Wolcen had at launch. We could make comparisons about current D3 as well, but it took years, and an expansion to get to this point. The point is, you have no idea where Wolcen will be when it gets as old as either of these other games. Online games continue development.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

When PoE first launched, all it had was no different than what Wolcen had at launch. We could make comparisons about current D3 as well, but it took years, and an expansion to get to this point. The point is, you have no idea where Wolcen will be when it gets as old as either of these other games. Online games continue development.

Klowdy Original Comment

May be you are right
But you should pay attention to that software core of the game must have possibility to scale in order to contain future changes to core.

Can you be sure that the game - core can be developed in aspect of increasing amount of game mechanics?????

Increasing game mechanics in the core can result in FPS (frame per second) falling down dramatically

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I believe if D3 can go from pay to win to where it is now then I believe the sky is the limit for wolcen

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why not building a really tanky guy then if u dont have the dodge skills? without even good gear you can manage to beat all bosses solo. just dont go class canon like PoE is used to play in Story

And when you dont know what u are missing when u cant defeat a Boss.. I dont know what to say but you lack in damage, in tankyness or in mechanical skills thats all I think.. in the end its all about numbers

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

100% agree with what others have said

Yes at the moment there isn't a lot of variety especially compared to other arpg's such as poe.

I like how one streamer described it over the years poe has become a multi layered building with different floors of content

For wolcen this is obviously their first floor and cant really really shouldn't be compared to games with have been out for years having the chance to expand and add depth.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I really love posts like this. Comparing one game to another. Saying the X game is better. Then why are you here? If you like POE then play POE if you like Wolcen then play wolcen. Do not come to the forum and try and make Wolcen into a POE clone.

Otherwise if you cant beat a boss then level up. Adjust your skills. Get some better armor. Get a summon to tank for you. Any of these will fix the failure you have in this game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

100% agree with what others have said

Yes at the moment there isn't a lot of variety especially compared to other arpg's such as poe.

I like how one streamer described it over the years poe has become a multi layered building with different floors of content

For wolcen this is obviously their first floor and cant really really shouldn't be compared to games with have been out for years having the chance to expand and add depth.

Dwarfbread Original Comment

All it doesn't matter. As i said before - a agree to that wolcen can get tremendous amount of mechanics like poe in the future but you should understand that this potential must be laid inside the game core in programming software aspect.

Are sure that poe in 2013 year was so weak like wolcen for now in aspect of quantity of mechanics?

Potential must be laid inside the game-engine-core in programming-software-aspect.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I really love posts like this. Comparing one game to another. Saying the X game is better. Then why are you here? If you like POE then play POE if you like Wolcen then play wolcen. Do not come to the forum and try and make Wolcen into a POE clone.

Otherwise if you cant beat a boss then level up. Adjust your skills. Get some better armor. Get a summon to tank for you. Any of these will fix the failure you have in this game.

Gileam Original Comment

LMAO, and I love comments like yours.
You don't like what he's saying so you're telling him to shut up while you get to post freely expressing your disagreement with him.
How about you don't come to the forum to tell other people what to say or go move to communist China or North Korea then? Oh wait I won't because I don't believe in attitude's like yours.

Maybe people play Wolcen because they like the graphics and want a change from Diablo 3? Maybe they're Kickstarters who invested a lot of time into the game already and genuinely wish it to grow?

"don't come to the forum to try and make Wolcen a PoE clone" - you realize Wolcen is basically a D3 clone? There is a horrendous amount of similarities and rips offs. I mean, I don't really mind as the skill tree and stat system is amazing and no Bind-on-Pickup loot.
However, despite OP's short and non-constructive post, he is right about the current end game system. It's kind of stale and feels exactly like D3 Greater Rifts but with lackluster end game loot; exactly like vanilla D3 had at launch.

The Gate of Fate is amazing and I hope they expand on it. Getting serious FFX sphere grid vibes from it.
The loot and itemization are not in the best place though.
The gem system in Wolcen is good too.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I really love posts like this. Comparing one game to another. Saying the X game is better. Then why are you here? If you like POE then play POE if you like Wolcen then play wolcen. Do not come to the forum and try and make Wolcen into a POE clone.

Otherwise if you cant beat a boss then level up. Adjust your skills. Get some better armor. Get a summon to tank for you. Any of these will fix the failure you have in this game.

Gileam Original Comment

You said:
" If you like POE then play POE if you like Wolcen then play wolcen"
Rough and wrong thought
I like POE for setting depth and like wolcen for handsome architecture texture
One thing not prevents the other.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Isn't this a builds forum, yet op comes to complain.......... go back to farming docks for a few years and then come back and see how far Wolcen has progressed,

I can assure you it'll be alot further along and poe will have lots ad lots of new content to plagerise and copy pasta, just like they did with diablo.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why do i need plenty of builds? I develop just 1 build.
I don't complain about the bosses
If you are a teenager, - then - yes you have good physical reflexes - and yes you can kill any boss but if you are over 45 years old then your reflexes are bad and you can't kill even a weak boss.
But all it doesn't matter - you misunderstood me
In wolcen there is no "deepness" in settings like in poe, so i remain in POE

There was not possibility to find proper forum that can be called: - "comparison" Wolcen VS POE

Poking around in tremendous amount of settings is the most awesome process in the game but you can't do it in wolcen to the same degree as in POE.

staglaitor Original Comment

I'm a big fan of POE and have been playing it since the launch. And I think despite the big amount of bugs, Wolcen is in a good state and really promising.

You talk about deepness but also say your build is shit and you're stuck on a boss. There is a lot of builds in POE that would require you to dodge and/or play fast. Like in POE, if you don't want to do that, do another build. The good thing about Wolcen is that you can easily rebuild at anytime for almost no cost.

"there is no "deepness" in settings like in poe". There is less "deepness" in Wolcen, which is understable for a game that young. You can't add 150 spells at launch, it would be a mess. You make a good base, and expand from it.

Still, there is already some deepness to Wolcen. I did three mage build, with very different gameplays. But for that you need to take the time and try to understand the mechanics of the game. Unlike POE, Wolcen is new, so you can't just follow a guide on the internet and say "omg it's so deep look at my complex op build".

Willpower regen and transfer, ailments, crits, resistances. You need to understand them if you want to make a viable build. Like you would do in POE.

Note: i'm currently at parangon 140+

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I literally face tanked the entirety of the story.. not a single boss was even remotely an issue... anything that can run bulwark Is literally a god.. Just sayin XD

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'm a big fan of POE and have been playing it since the launch. And I think despite the big amount of bugs, Wolcen is in a good state and really promising.

You talk about deepness but also say your build is shit and you're stuck on a boss. There is a lot of builds in POE that would require you to dodge and/or play fast. Like in POE, if you don't want to do that, do another build. The good thing about Wolcen is that you can easily rebuild at anytime for almost no cost.

"there is no "deepness" in settings like in poe". There is less "deepness" in Wolcen, which is understable for a game that young. You can't add 150 spells at launch, it would be a mess. You make a good base, and expand from it.

Still, there is already some deepness to Wolcen. I did three mage build, with very different gameplays. But for that you need to take the time and try to understand the mechanics of the game. Unlike POE, Wolcen is new, so you can't just follow a guide on the internet and say "omg it's so deep look at my complex op build".

Willpower regen and transfer, ailments, crits, resistances. You need to understand them if you want to make a viable build. Like you would do in POE.

Note: i'm currently at parangon 140+

Ysysel Original Comment

It doesn't matter if wolcen will be the great in the far future - the most important is: - for now, it's beautiful but foolish game

you said: - "You talk about deepness but also say your build is shit and you're stuck on a boss"

I am not stuck at the boss i just canceled playing wolcen
All game developers should stand on the shoulders of giants (POE)
Initially, - i wanna see great potential in any game to continue to play
I see that Wolcen doesn't stand on the shoulders of POE.
If wolcen standed on the shoulder of POE then wolcen-developer would realized modifying currency (exalted orbs), passive skill-tree-jewels and so on in the core of the game Initially
in the core of the game Initially
in the core of the game Initially
in the core of the game Initially
I see that Wolcen doesn't stand on the shoulders of POE.
All game developers should stand on the shoulders of giants (POE)
If there is no standing on the shoulders then there will not be the progress in the game - industry
It's better to wait POE 2 than progress in wolcen

If game-valuables from POE ware realized in wolcen core then - in the future with wolcen progress - we will get the valuables of the next level which are absent in POE
It is absolutely stupid to reproduce POE history in wolcen.
If modifying currency and jewels as valuables will appears in wolcen in the future it will be the failure
The POE valuables must be integrated in the wolcen core initially to get new valuables in the future
The POE valuables must be integrated in the wolcen core initially to get new valuables in the future
The POE valuables must be integrated in the wolcen core initially to get new valuables in the future

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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