Bloodtrail and returning player


i would like to know if i can access bloodtrail endgame with my old characters ? i was thinking to create a new one to test the story so i need to know if i redo the same class or if i can change.

thank you !

Replies: 3

Created: 3 years, 1 month ago

Category: Gameplay

Hey there!

Only characters created in the Bloodtrail mode can access the Bloodtrail content. Legacy (Standard) characters, unfortunately, can not. To be sure which kind your old characters are, you can check beneath 'Game Mode' when you have selected a character. Older Legacy characters will have 'Standard', while Bloodtrail characters will show 'Chronicle'.

Online characters can not be changed from one mode to another, however offline characters can be edited to change mode if desired.

Created: 3 years, 1 month ago

Thank you !

I will create another mage then :D

Created: 3 years, 1 month ago

Hey there!

Only characters created in the Bloodtrail mode can access the Bloodtrail content. Legacy (Standard) characters, unfortunately, can not. To be sure which kind your old characters are, you can check beneath 'Game Mode' when you have selected a character. Older Legacy characters will have 'Standard', while Bloodtrail characters will show 'Chronicle'.

Online characters can not be changed from one mode to another, however offline characters can be edited to change mode if desired.

Tyber Original Comment

Will this be changed in the future. I really don't want to go through the game again for my melee tank. It was hard enough to get to lv 89 as it is.

Created: 1 year, 9 months ago

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