Endgame Boss Fight *( Spoiler Alert )*

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoy the game as much as I am !
I'll go straight to the point, the Endgame Boss Fight Mecanics.

So we have another 3 rounds Boss.
My first question is regarding the 3 '' sphere turrets '' that sits still and sometime gets up to emit some specific elemental type blast.
(We all specially love the frost turret...)
What do we need to do, bash them ? Ignore them ? I feel like there's something there that I can't see and figure out, and I believe it has to do with killing the boss faster because if you read this, you know how strong Heimlock is... oh yes you do ...

Then, what's with the magic bubbles that appears on the ground at the third Round?
Defense buff ? I have no idea what's it's protecting me from, so neither when I should hide in it. Which Heimlock's attack needs to be shielded with the bubble if it's the case ?

So that's it, if you guys can share a few tips that would help me and everyone else seeing this post when it's time for the big fight,
we would gladly appreciate it ! Enjoy Wolcen guys !!! and feel free to add me for some push : ace.3096

Thank you !

Salut à tous, j'espère que vous profitez bien du jeu autant que moi !
Venons-en directement au faits, la Bataille Finale contre Heimlock...

Donc nous avons 3 tours différents.
Sur la carte où nous nous battons, nous observons 3 tourelles de forme sphérique éméttant différents types de dégats élémentaires.
(On aimes tous en particulier celle de Froid...)
La question est Quoi faire avec ces tourelles, les frapper ? Les ignorer ? J'ai l'impression que quelque chose me passe sous le nez et que cela pourrait m'aider au combat contre Heimlock, mais je ne vois pas ce que cela peux être.

Puis, les bulles de magie au 3ème tour sont là pour nous protéger de quelle attaque parmis toutes celles de Heimlock ?
Sont elles là pour une autre raison ? Buff de défense quelconque, regénération ? Je ne trouve pas !

Donc voilà les copains, si vous avez des idées, des trucs, des astuces à nous partager `moi et à la reste de la communauté de Wolcen, n'hésitez surtout pas c'est très apprécié ! Et n'hésitez pas ceux qui cherche des joueurs pour farmer, ajouter moi et ça m'fera plaisir de pousser les limites du jeu avec vous : ace.3096

Merci !

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

You're going to say Spoiler Alert in your title while giving away the name of the last boss In The Title only 24h after the game launches. Nice.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Fixed, thank you for the comment, it was so clear in my mind that he was the final boss since the very beginning of the game that I completely forgot to hide the name. My mistake

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

What I have learned:
-It seems like the orbs have 2 phases. Active (floating), and Passive (Resting on the ground).
-They seem to only use their special ability when they are floating.
-They can be deactivate by the player via damage while floating
-They are activated by the boss (possibly also the player / randomly) attacking them
What I want to know:
-Why is my Juggernaut being immediately removed after cast? Boss just designed to cheese active defensive measures?
-How am I supposed to make this work as Melee? I can get to Phase 3, but just barely :(

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

What I have learned:
-It seems like the orbs have 2 phases. Active (floating), and Passive (Resting on the ground).
-They seem to only use their special ability when they are floating.
-They can be deactivate by the player via damage while floating
-They are activated by the boss (possibly also the player / randomly) attacking them
What I want to know:
-Why is my Juggernaut being immediately removed after cast? Boss just designed to cheese active defensive measures?
-How am I supposed to make this work as Melee? I can get to Phase 3, but just barely :(

VarthDaver Original Comment

Ended up beating this as melee without any knockouts last night, a few things:
1) Jewels - You can use the jeweler person to change the number of sockets in items. That means add 3 to your weapon, chest, 2 to pants (unless 3 is possible?), 1 to all jewelry.
2) Shove +DPS into weapon, +Life into armor. Adding 6 or more +200 HP Jewels to your body makes a huge difference. I was able to go from 10.5k life --> just under 15k.
3) Levels - Boss was L41. I was as well on my first attempts, came back at 43, boss was still 41.
4) Leech - I used those levels to get 'Child of Fury' and the point behind it, these two together give you a whopping 30% leech at full stacks. Can't recommend enough.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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