Shrine of Apocalypse - IQ TEST

For me Shrine of apocalypse is some kind of IQ test for person I play with

first of all everyone really use Apocalypse form only for boss . And getting to boss pretty much full your points ... at least most of it

So taking a shrine along a way instead save it for later is really an IQ test . If person click on it you know you are playing with idiot .

Today it was most extreme example ... I played with one guy , lvl 188 - shrine was at entrance of boos area literally near him ....
We arrived there after full lvl , idiot clicked on shrine , we went apoc , lower boss to 50% , he go out of apoc form and died ....
How can you be so stupid is beyond me ....
We could go refill and easily finish the boss ....

next time think about this

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Gameplay

People click these shrines at all?

For that matter, people use Apoc forms?

One time, a friend of mine hit their Apoc form by mistake so he rebound it to somewhere it wouldn't happen again. I think that's the only time since campaign I've seen anyone use it.

Why don't I use it? You do less DPS with it than with a decent build and when you drop out of Apoc form, you're quite vulnerable for a couple seconds until you get your damage ramped up to the point where your life leech keeps you alive. I'm guessing this is when he went splat? I get that you're unkillable while in Apoc form, but it's a DPS loss, adds risk at the transition, and hence is an inefficient and dangerous crutch imo.

All this aside, maybe dude you were playing with needed some apoc juice to top off his meter.

My suggestion: Instead of coming to the forums to call people stupid idiots and insulting their IQ for not playing the game the way you think it should be played, show a little tolerance and understanding. And don't rely on a crutch to beat the endgame. It's easily achievable without it. Until the next patch at least. xD

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Sure I use ....

I can reduce boss to at least 50% with my selection of apoc skill use in few sec
You just didn't figure it out what , when and how to use it ...
I did Wrath of Sarisel lvls with one guy ( you can see statistic after ) and in the end my highest shot were between 20mil and 38mil every time .. But in the game he did more dam overall then me ... He didn't understand how its possible that his best shot is 1.5 mil and mine 38mil but that was shot in apoc form ....
I do exactly the same thing every time and it did massive dam .. no way you can make that in normal no matter what skills you have or what dam ... did you EVER reduced lvl 163 boss to 30% HP in 5 sec ? I did ....
I also have very descent defense , block and res , so no problem with going back to normal form , didn't die once because of that

o found specific thing that trigger massive dam but I will not tell what exactly so devs could nerf

You also prove my point ... If you dont use it and you think is worthless why click then ?

also : "All this aside, maybe dude you were playing with needed some apoc juice to top off his meter." sorry but - what ??? ... shrine is right there , first you use all what you have ( if mine was full his must be too or at least very close to full ) and then click and full to 100% again ...
you have 80%+100% instead 100% once only ....
But I guess not all ppl are able to think one or two moves in advance :-/

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I use Apoc form but I don't like how it has a lag after you change back and die. That part annoys me.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I use Apoc form but I don't like how it has a lag after you change back and die. That part annoys me.

weycool Original Comment

yes .. that is true

It freeze the screen for sec or two , sometimes you push button and nothing happens ... Unfortunately that is standard for this game

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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