Waiting For Next Patch...

It sounds like the servers are being hammered on Day 1 and disconnects and such. I'm thinking it might be best to just wait until another patch comes out to start a game. The ones who are able to login and play will continue to be the testers, I guess. No big deal.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Gameplay

I got in for a few hours and had a good time. You might be right in waiting a day so all the crazy bugs/server things get sorted.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Vast majority of those bugs / server things could have been resolved if a stress test (or a couple if needed) was performed well before release.
Why it was not done is beyond me. What happened yesterday was well expected, if the devs thought that it won't happen to their game they are delusional.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Vast majority of those bugs / server things could have been resolved if a stress test (or a couple if needed) was performed well before release.
Why it was not done is beyond me. What happened yesterday was well expected, if the devs thought that it won't happen to their game they are delusional.

ctefanaki Original Comment

While i agree with you and frustrated, they said this morning that they had 65,0000 players login. The most they had leading into release was like 1,200. Sometimes it happens. I feel like most games have a bad first two days or so. Not forgiving the situation but I understand that its out of their control. We also have no idea if they stress tested the servers or not. I assume they did...

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

While i agree with you and frustrated, they said this morning that they had 65,0000 players login. The most they had leading into release was like 1,200. Sometimes it happens. I feel like most games have a bad first two days or so. Not forgiving the situation but I understand that its out of their control. We also have no idea if they stress tested the servers or not. I assume they did...

Neuto Original Comment

Being in 'this realm' and a developer for many years, I assume they did not stress test at all, due to their knee-jerk reaction to having to spin up a new instance.

I did check the numbers, and peak yesterday was 55K. Smoke testing, and load testing, could have -easily- proven out 5 digits worth of people, and emulated their login, spiked delays, and done a lot of other tasks to avoid this.

Majority of these bugs could have been sated, and grown even more hype, by doing a couple phases of a CBT/Stress Test.

THAT being said, they are a small, new, company so I am not surprised they didn't know what/how to test. Where they are fucking up is the lack of communication, and lack of day one patches. The Suggestions/Bug boards are littered with people complaining, and I've not seen any replies -at all-.

With Steams return policy a lot of people will just return it, and maybe come back later. And no, this isn't a "good thing" - That is lost recommendations, and won't get a 100% return on the people who leave.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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