Toggle Original Post

same here. just store found dyes in stash until fixed

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Client updated to 1.0,4,0 and the items still vanish,
Skins and Dyes sill gone, character seems to be completely broken...

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

same here, everything is gone, all my collected skins and dyes. This "1.0 Release" was a full disaster for me,but i was cool with that.

But now where all my stuff is lost, i have to quit this game till this is fixed. Please work for the bugs and make this game playable for the future.

Thank you.



Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Client updated to 1.0,4,0 and the items still vanish,
Skins and Dyes sill gone, character seems to be completely broken...

Celodon Original Comment

I have the same Prob and cant find new skins only with a new char. Plz fix it and give it us back.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Please Wolcen Studio; Give people a statement on issues like this. The uncertainty around this has driven me, and I'm sure, many others, to simply stop playing the game. I noticed it was not adressed in this week's patch, which in and of itself is fine, but when there's no statement on the status of whether or not there are any potential fixes for this issue in the foreseeable future, the simple uncertainty of the matter leaves me with no desire to play the game where such aspects of the game may not be saved, or even retrieveable.

All you need to do is give out a short statement, telling your customers what you are doing, as you should with all major issues (Though it can be argued, calling this issue 'major' may be a stretch. My point stands, it's of signifcant importance to a certain portion of the playerbase). You were good at this the first few days but it's just gotten worse and worse. Tell us something. Tell us "We're looking into the issue and this may be adressed in the next patch" or tell us "We have other issues that take priority for the time being. We do not know if we can reobtain any lost skins/dyes/" - Just say something to inform the community of what is happening,

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

all my cosmetic and dyes from my main character disappeared when i created another character, just wondering if this is the same for you guys?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

As I replied in other threads, this issue happens when our servers being overloaded.
Your unlocks are actually not gone, but they don't appear ingame because the loading failed.
In order to see them, you will need to relog again and they will be back.

daniel.dolui Original Comment

Once every 3 days you copy paste these replies.

How about you take 3 days to address wtf is going on with this game?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

it's been 4 days since all my skin and dyes gone for good, even after latest patch they still missing, and devs still haven't do any statement about this issue here, ridiculous
i love the game but the mismanagment of this studio is horrible, which why they released a game that lack alot of arpg's basic feature and had to rebuild it twice

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

it´s just a joke. I don´t get it, why are the studios so dumb ? Why do you ruin yourself ? listen to your fucking community, like GGG and make an awesome game with us.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Mine are gone aswell. Can't collect new transmogs - AT ALL.
I have exactly one transmog for every slot of my gear and can't get new ones on a level 80 character. WTF is this shit?

Relogging or changing to different servers during various times of the day does NOT help, neither did the patch.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Same here
I lost all skin and dyes.
I just bought this game at full price.
However, I am not using the features promoted by wolcen studio.
We are not here to get annoyed.
Now that you have found a problem that needs to be fixed, don't come back to the stupid "server problem, log in again" answer, but try to recover it all.
That's the attitude you should take in a paid company.
This is a serious problem so I hope you can find the right solution in wolcen Studio.
Do you understand?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Still no statement on recovering unlocked skins and dyes?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

They posted in newest patch notes, that they fixed one issue that resets cosmetics, but they also said that they found a new issue resetting cosmetics. It may/will still happen, but much less frequently, according to their own words.

Still no word on whether lost cosmetics and dyes we had previously will be recoverable.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

They posted in newest patch notes, that they fixed one issue that resets cosmetics, but they also said that they found a new issue resetting cosmetics. It may/will still happen, but much less frequently, according to their own words.

Still no word on whether lost cosmetics and dyes we had previously will be recoverable.

Little Original Comment

Exactly my point ... still no statement on --recovering-- unlocked skins and dyes. Especially as Daniel Dolui stated

As I replied in other threads, this issue happens when our servers being overloaded.
Your unlocks are actually not gone, but they don't appear ingame because the loading failed.
In order to see them, you will need to relog again and they will be back."

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

UP !

When I asked about recovering lost skins and dyes, I didn't mean dupplicate current ones....

I decided to come back in the game after 1 week. Game crashed and now I'm dupplicating every skins I loot...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Has this been fixed, or even addressed?

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I don't know if it has been fixed as of now but if it has not I can confirm that re logging does not fix this issue. I had to restart my dye collection stash and skins multiple times. They were wiped out over and over.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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