Toggle Original Post

Ye if you didnt see the nerf of a 3000%+ multiplier coming when other skills are nowhere near that you are plain stupid.
Its part of fixing the game, if you don't like them fixing it then leave no one gives a fuck.

Waynedetta Original Comment

Ok white knight, imagine defending a game that was delayed 2 weeks because they wanted to make sure it was "Ready" then when the pos game comes out, bugs, no multiplayer, and now they nerf the only decent skill in the game? every other skill in this game is shit or clunky to use. i'd bet your not even over 100 expedition

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'll have to check when i get home, but a few things...

This is a physical skill. The rune that exists was intended to help hybrid play, not create a 1 button nuke. From what i can see (and I DO play Bleeding Edge) they tuned back ABUSING a rune that did game breaking damage (yes, you likely will have to play lower expeditions now, thats what happens when abuse gets fixed). secondly, the Momentum mod was adding too much throughput. The new design has a purpose though, regardless if there are balancing opportunities. The rune, rather than a flat buff, now acts as a support skill and allows you to use other skills as primary skills.

Those are all GOOD decisions, though, and I'm sorry if you don't see it. But nothing else even came close, so rather than buff the damage of 30 skills, nerfing the one doing stupid scaling makes absolute sense.

I run a physical non-ailment build and i was doing 200-300k crits not using either, doing 67 expeditions at 60, so I cant imagine it is as dire as everyone is saying, short of fixing your builds to not be designed to abuse broken Mods...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

devs just dont learn. or they dont gaf about what people say. they made their money from us so what?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I was kind of enjoying this game even with all the bugs and such. However, as a busy person with not much free time, I can only allow myself so much play time. Recent patch basically rendered my build useless, the nerf spike is just insane. In turn this pretty much made my entire playthrough a complete waste of time. I am not coming back to the game for a while now i think, at least before some point in time when things get more stable and the dev team get a proper test-team support.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

It's not a nerf, the skill is totally killed and my build too, cannot even finish a single expedition level now. If such brutal over nerf is the policy for the future of the game, I barely can see the interest in investing time to create new builds with specific equipment to see them totally killed by a single patch, I prefer stopping now. Cya.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I bought this game two days ago, knowing it came with all the bugs and whatnot and I still had a lot of fun. Bleeding edge was fun because it was the only melee skill that didn't suck. Now it got nuked with a 10 second cooldown? Are you serious? What kind of balancing is this? Time go back to POE. Peace.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I don't want to be rude, or upset anyone...

but any skill that is over powered and used by a large potion of a community because its over powered, gets nerfed this isn't exclusive to wolcen, now that said, bleeding edge upon looking at it from outside the box, isn't inteneded to be a main skill, more as an inbetween skill, and after playing through the story on the hardest difficulty the game has to offer, on a character i made myself...

the content is suppose to be much harder than bleeding edge videos show it to be, i know it sucks,,, game breakingly OP skill nerfed and ill get flamed for not supporting your guys' pain, but I'm solid proof that other builds still work, as for B.E. builds, use it as intended, get a main skill and bleeding edge be kept as a skill to help manage the adds, and if you wanna stay safe from INSANE nerfs, don't follow the community down the rabbit hole of "I found this OP build" for if you do, expect the nerf hammer to smoke you in the head, the gut and your pride!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Having said what i said, i do agree it needed nerfed, but to go from 20% to 2% on dmg per ailments and also nerf the per level damage of it, is alot of damage loss. Im ok with the 10 second thing as i didnt use that in the build.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Guys WTF stop crying...
Yes the 10 seconds CD was a bit to much but i actually tested only 15 min today and by only switching one fucking rune i'm still running 160+ full modded untainted with ease...

so calm down and play...

BE was fucking OP and the nerf was needed.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The only thing nerfed worse than the Bleeding Edge build was my opinion of the game. Makes me wish I had spent my money on something else. Adjusting an OP build does not require destroying the build. How about a little finesse on the developers end?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

To those people that are gleeful over the BE nerf while still spouting non-sense like "I still can clear level 187's with X build" are going to be pissed when the unique belt the Thirst gets nerfed next. They won't be clearing anything after that. No build will be. The game is unbalanced as heck right now. BE, The Thirst, and Bane of Tyranny were all over tuned on release of this game. 2 out of the 3 were nerfed. Guess which last nerf is coming next?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

BE's nerf is quite disappointing, he was really very excited about the game. But I see that they have mishandled the situation. I'm sorry but I will stop playing. A pity

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Also pissed off about this nerf
They should just make other useless skill stronger. I just don't get why it needs a nerf. This game that has no pvp/p2p elements and no subscription. You only pay it once so it should be a game just for you to dominate and have fun. There is so much problem and bugs still with this game, deal with those BS first.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Guys WTF stop crying...
Yes the 10 seconds CD was a bit to much but i actually tested only 15 min today and by only switching one fucking rune i'm still running 160+ full modded untainted with ease...

so calm down and play...

BE was fucking OP and the nerf was needed.

R3s1St Original Comment

You are so full of crap hahahahahahahaha!!!

Show me a vid and I will believe you.... hahahahahaha

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I will come back to Wolcen when you sort this out. Yeah the bleeding edge was OP but you have now killed it ..

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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