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@ Kvistegaard

If you have the time could you post your current items. I am undecided with stats: health/res/energy shield. At the moment i have 0 energy shield.

With this build you adress many people (me too). A lot replies if i compare. Nice work!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Currently at Master lv109 expedtition, feeling a lack of single target damage for sure, especially when bosses with regeneration spawn adds also with regeneration. Trying to figure out how to boost st dmg, but got nothing atm. Pretty sure crit on dot isn't working for me, not 100% certain though.

Current level, stats, spells:

Skill tree:

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

With recent nerf to Disallowing Vessel - is it still worth it? Because I totally hate slowdown it produces, its so annoying... :-)

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

@ Kvistegaard

If you have the time could you post your current items. I am undecided with stats: health/res/energy shield. At the moment i have 0 energy shield.

With this build you adress many people (me too). A lot replies if i compare. Nice work!

maddin-t Original Comment

I have heavy chest, helmet, leggings and boots. Rest is bruiser :) No force shield items at all

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

With recent nerf to Disallowing Vessel - is it still worth it? Because I totally hate slowdown it produces, its so annoying... :-)

Wlk Original Comment

Yes, the resistance is what I took it for in the first place, but now we use bulwark for health instead :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Currently at Master lv109 expedtition, feeling a lack of single target damage for sure, especially when bosses with regeneration spawn adds also with regeneration. Trying to figure out how to boost st dmg, but got nothing atm. Pretty sure crit on dot isn't working for me, not 100% certain though.

Current level, stats, spells:

Skill tree:

kim_harkestad Original Comment

You might be right, the crit might not work. The physical to Toxic was mostly to get a few points of damage extra out of toxic clouds since a lot of damage is converted to physical, and I wasn't sure where I wanted to put more points as it feels tanky enough and there aren't too many nodes which helps with damage left.

The worst unit there is to face on higher levels in Though Regenerating Material Shield Purifier who spawns healing adds. Such an annoyance, popping shields and healing all the time.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

And one more maybe dumb question, but why go for The Wild Card (to get 60% more crit chance) when later there is Retaliator which reduces crit chance by 50%. As OP mentioned, only Toughness and Wisdom is used. Our crit chance is really low without spending on Ferocity. So even Primodial instincts (crit dmg induces higher "crit" DoT) is probably waste. Or am I missing something?

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Awesome build, love it so far but maybe i skipped the answer/explanation but whats the point of Warlock: Resilence to corruption and Faith Leech if you have so little or no Force Shield?

Does it work together with Time Weaver: Dire Juncture ?

PS: I got one of those Shadowcall rings that you wanted from Act3 as a reward. You can kill me now.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Awesome build, love it so far but maybe i skipped the answer/explanation but whats the point of Warlock: Resilence to corruption and Faith Leech if you have so little or no Force Shield?

Does it work together with Time Weaver: Dire Juncture ?

PS: I got one of those Shadowcall rings that you wanted from Act3 as a reward. You can kill me now.

LesbianCharizard Original Comment

Neither Resilience nor Faith leech is in the build though? :P

And I curse you for the ring!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

And one more maybe dumb question, but why go for The Wild Card (to get 60% more crit chance) when later there is Retaliator which reduces crit chance by 50%. As OP mentioned, only Toughness and Wisdom is used. Our crit chance is really low without spending on Ferocity. So even Primodial instincts (crit dmg induces higher "crit" DoT) is probably waste. Or am I missing something?

Wlk Original Comment

I actually missed the whole crit thing... Well, crits seems bugged now anyways, so will have to wait 'til next hotfix to get something reasonable out of this :)

*edit Retaliator in itself feels very weak so it will probs be removed from the endgame build

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The perk tree has been updated to focus on gaining more damage on single bosses.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Currently at Master lv109 expedtition, feeling a lack of single target damage for sure, especially when bosses with regeneration spawn adds also with regeneration. Trying to figure out how to boost st dmg, but got nothing atm. Pretty sure crit on dot isn't working for me, not 100% certain though.

Current level, stats, spells:

Skill tree:

kim_harkestad Original Comment

Roll for socket on belt as well, that's a tinkle of damage at least :P I'm sure you can get more damage by re-allocating a lot of toughness, because DAMN BOI, YOU THICC. Change to ~350 Toughness instead and rest in Wisdom for higher point to damage conversion :) Your primary stat gives slightly higher damage

Also: Try looking for both %damage and %material on items if you can, that might be able to push you higher :)

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


I changed the build remarkably for more damage and a bit of damage reduction, this should help in the long run.
As we use willpower so quickly, our rage shoots through the roof and that rage > damage% is actually quite high. go something like this and put a few extra points in the exorcist buff + the extra point there for ailment and stuff. Then follow the full theoretical plan :P The assassin parts can be last

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Another one theoretical - picking Gods amongst men (+50% material, but limited to only material dmg) seems like nice bonus, but negates part of bonuses from Immortal Offerings (+5x5% for each stack of ailments on killed enemy per damage type). I end up with only 3 instead of 4-5 from all different types of dmg i had before.

Without Gods amongst men you dont have to care about type of direct +dmg for spells, on the contrary +dmg variety is good for more 25% bonuses from Immortal Offerings. And also you are missing debuff effects from that dmg?

EDIT with last update you can spend 1 point on the Feast for the Crows for 2% of global leech, which is supposed to affect even dots...

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Another one theoretical - picking Gods amongst men (+50% material, but limited to only material dmg) seems like nice bonus, but negates part of bonuses from Immortal Offerings (+5x5% for each stack of ailments on killed enemy per damage type). I end up with only 3 instead of 4-5 from all different types of dmg i had before.

Without Gods amongst men you dont have to care about type of direct +dmg for spells, on the contrary +dmg variety is good for more 25% bonuses from Immortal Offerings. And also you are missing debuff effects from that dmg?

Wlk Original Comment

From what I saw, the bonuses only seemed to affect the damage type in particular, so the extra % were only on sacred or aether instead of pure %damage :/ My original reasoning for not going with Gods was that very reason, but testing showed that you actually got a lot more out of it.

The damage on the other elements and the effects didn't feel strong enough to validate not taking gods during testing

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Totally forgot about socket on belt :D and just learned that stacking 1 attribute increases damage o.o. Thanks!

Also, just read this, haven't tested. Someone said that the ailment crit perk only works if it's the last perk activated on tree. Can't test tonight, will later tommorow though.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

What should we be looking for in our gear/jewelery/weapons - as it relates to affixes. And should we dumping points into wisdom or ferocity or both?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

With the focus on resistance, and the talents that push us towards heavy helmet and chestpiece, doest that mean that you no longer plan on using the Agony unique chest?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Ey Kvistgaard Im really enjoying this build uve made is it possible for you to clean up the build guide im constantly going over and yonder to find the correct info atm thx u in advance if its to much work i understand thx anyway <3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

One note on 60+lvl progression. Do we really need to stack insane amounts of Wisdom? WIth all aoe multihitting spells we have, think around 50% ailment chance is more than enough. Maybe start investing into Ferocity (crit) in some moment? To get more yellow numbers and use crit for ailments with Primodial Instincts. Since Crit has multiplicative dmg increase unlike any other dmg then we could bump single target dmg up reasonably?

Also note for builder with latest 3.5 in Warlock tree - there are two wasted points on Magical mastery (spell dmg affects only spells not dots), go straight through middle with Strike like lightning to Focused. You end up saving one point for something more useful.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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