Toggle Original Post

no nerf to chapter 2 boss, wow ok then.

djrdragon88 Original Comment

get good

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

you completely overnerfed bleeding edge. dear wolcen team, please focus on BUFFING the stuff that is useless lategame and let the players have fun instead of nerfing stuff to the Ground. plus the game has no pvp or leaderboards so why not let the people have fun and actually do damage? i dont get it

ericbaedt Original Comment

Bleeding Edge was ridiculous.
Doing max lvl/endgame content a couple days after the game even launches?

I don't know if the skill is actually dead but I bet it's still viable. If it does the same dmg as most spells currently then yes, they will both need to be brough up because spell dmg is so bad right now.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Stash tabs in stormfall mode is still bugged, can't buy tab 3,4,5 really ?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

please fix amd processors from freezing constantly

HuntNSeek Original Comment

can you elaborate?
I play in 2600x
and even in fx8350 cpu among with my i7 7850h laptop...

i never had a freezing on AMD cpus!
the game though is using high cpu resources even when minimized which is crazy 🙄😅

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Bleeding Edge "Unstoppable Momentum": now also adds a 10 seconds cooldown to the skill.

You guys might as well remove this skill from the game.... 1 Axe around us now. I understood the nerf in damage but this cooldown makes this skill unusable now. Great job...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the fixes and updates. I don't see the avatar facing issue (probably more complex) in the list. Here's hoping it's in 1.0.6 next week or it was addressed somewhere in between all of this.

Take your time to fix it right, I have plenty of games to keep me occupied. :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Why nerf it? It was easy :/ Passed him first try with 3 different characters with different build and not been overleveled either.

piotr.bialoglowy Original Comment

easy then why do i keep dying? i have 7k health 2k Force shield and do 1k dmg but can not get past his stage 2 form.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

+Elemental Damage is unable to roll on items that are ilvl50+ (exception: rings/amulets/belts). Please fix it asap.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i still do good damage with the unstoppable force nerf. you people complaining need to get good and quit crying.

dont need to nerf productivity. you dont want your game so grindy that people dont wanna play it because it takes all day to get one node of stormfall completed. you guys might wanna look into a optizmization patch also. you game has a lot of bugs. im running a $2500 gaming set up and it feels laggy sometimes.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I do agree bleeding edge needed a nerf (the damage on ailment bonus) but you guys completely destroyed it hehe. RIP bleeding edge. (Keep in mind there are other builds that are way more powerful than bleeding edge was)
Also RIP all the people that got a decent amount of gold without duping or abusing exploits and now you have like 1 or 2 mil left haha!

Played the game in beta, stuck with the game through all the epic release and all the bugs and tried to help by reporting all the bugs I could find, now it's time to hit the uninstall button and head back to other ARPGs. Peace!

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why does everyone keep saying good patch.. This is a terrible patch. Instead of breaking melee classes, why not fix the friends list issues where it says everyone is in the main menu or add joining peoples games in progress, not while they're in a map but when they're in town. Not to mention the million other bugs. Focus on those first before you go nerfing builds.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

broken how? as in like pre patch BE broken or broken as in not viable/useable ?

soundsshnet Original Comment

I randomly turn invisible from time to time when using it, not always but its to the point where I have to quit to the menu cause I can't even teleport back to town.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I agreed with Bleeding edge needed a nerf, but kill it? Good job......

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I do agree bleeding edge needed a nerf (the damage on ailment bonus) but you guys completely destroyed it hehe. RIP bleeding edge. (Keep in mind there are other builds that are way more powerful than bleeding edge was)
Also RIP all the people that got a decent amount of gold without duping or abusing exploits and now you have like 1 or 2 mil left haha!

Played the game in beta, stuck with the game through all the epic release and all the bugs and tried to help by reporting all the bugs I could find, now it's time to hit the uninstall button and head back to other ARPGs. Peace!

Kamsa Original Comment

1 or 2 m left???

i have sold like 20-30 high quality items yesterday and now i have 500k left.

I never exploited anything, i earned the gold from honest farming and then selling it.

This sux, the game is broken with bugs beyond believe and they robs us of the fun build ans also decrease productivy in stormfall??

I have had multiple items being stolen from the black market after i put an item there. this sux. Ill go ask that refund now and put up a bad review. havent done a review yet.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

10 sec cooldown on bleeding edge killed it. That was a bit too much.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Un joli patch.
Encore bravo à l'équipe ;)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Bonjour les devs !

Tout d'abord merci pour ce patch qui vient corriger de nombreux problèmes et merci pour tout le travail et l'énergie que vous déployez pour améliorer votre jeu.
Sur ce patch note je n'ai pas vu quoique ce soit concernant le %increase damage et le more/less damage, qui est une mécanique utilisé assez bizzarement içi.
En effet pour donner un exemple, si j'ai une pièce d'équipement qui fait "+19% damage", mon attaque qui fait par exemple 4399 damage fait avec cet ajout 4523 damage au lieu de 5234, car vous avez basé le calcul autour du increase damage total. Ce qui rend par exemple des points de l'arbre de talent complétement pété comme le talent "ranger - archion's teaching" qui ajoute 1 projectile supplémentaire aux attaques et sorts qui sont des projectiles pour une réduction de dégat de -50% et devient carrément vital et n'offre aucune reflexion étant donné qu'on ne perd pas la moitié de nos dégats mais 50% sur le total d'augmentation de dégat. Donc pour une augmentation de dégat de déjà 500% par exemple, on apsse à 450%, et non 250%. Ce qui fait qu'on a un projectile de plus et une perte de dégat ridicule alors qu'un deuxième projectile double les dégats (en gros). On voit que l'arbre a été pensé pour du more/less damage mais il ne fonctionne actuellement qu'autour de l'increase damage.

Je voulais savoir si ce problème en était un de votre coté et si vous alliez réctifier ça ? Sans cette information je ne sais pas si je dois conserver par exemple des items qui donne +XX% de damage ou non, car dans l'état cette stats est juste inutile passé un certain seuil.

Merci par avance !

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Awesome patch! Thanks devs.

Also don't listen to the toxic whining, it's just high school kids on a tantrum :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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