Toggle Original Post

Nice cash grab and release of an alpha. After playing for over 100 hours; I can safely say that this is far from release quality. I'm not going to go in to all of the details here, as a lot of the forum members are already doing that, I just want to say you have lost any support from me moving forward.

The lag alone makes this game unplayable/unenjoyable.

P.S. Why didn't you name this game "Diablo 3: What Blizzard should have done and what we tried to do but failed as much as them"

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

rage bug still isnt fixed, many nodes still not working.

They fixed a bug that caused gold and affinity to be lost upon login, but they arent bothering to give it back :(

At end of rift portals are not opening, great work!

cant upgrade legendaries anymore. mats arent really dropping. MF find doesnt seem to work.

all in all times invested in this game is give you 0 reward and thats frustrating.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

you are going on the right direction except for one thing.

we cant play with lag.
we cant play in party 2,3 or 4 players, cause server crashes!!
we cant push alone because the game crashes with errors!!!

fix this so people can at least play...then fix the rest. your base players are dropping like hell, cause you take so much time adressing real problems that afect gameplay

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Still crashing in every expedition, most of the time during 3rd map ... How am I supposed to progress with this and It still took ages to down 170 bosses with tough and aether imbued with the crappy single target spell damage (staff is so much underpowered... compared to other weapons)

I also would like to understand why some bosses with a resistance to my main damage (aether) can go a lot faster to defeat than other bosses, non resistant at all and with no toughness or occult shield or regeneration. I compare 2 identical combat situations (same map modifiers, no mobs around except boss, same lvl, same skill sequence ...)

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Still crashing in every expedition, most of the time during 3rd map ... How am I supposed to progress with this and It still took ages to down 170 bosses with tough and aether imbued with the crappy single target spell damage (staff is so much underpowered... compared to other weapons)

I also would like to understand why some bosses with a resistance to my main damage (aether) can go a lot faster to defeat than other bosses, non resistant at all and with no toughness or occult shield or regeneration. I compare 2 identical combat situations (same map modifiers, no mobs around except boss, same lvl, same skill sequence ...)

michelindp Original Comment

Are you using Solarfall by any chance? I think some of the skills have a memory leak or something. Try some different skills any see if it changes to verify if it's a specific skill that's causing the crash.
Just a suggestion from a guy who crashed with Solarfall in rotation.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

"Players can have their quest progression locked if they join a friend who is further in the progression."

Did this ever get fixed?

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Im sry, i really would like to write this in ALL CAPS but then you wouldnt take it seriously.

How is it i STILL cant play online after weeks.. i mean i can play it in offline mode agian, but what is there to stop you for deleting my character AGIAN after 35 of game time?

This game has been like selling a bottle of water but you cant get the lid of sense thats broken. and after you inspect further the bottle only half full. and the water in it is dirty and broken peices of WHATEVER is in it. and that is basicly what you sold to your player base.

tbh this is borderline fraud.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

please developer take focus on dodge chance... my dodge chance in 86% and hp 90000 but still always be hitted .. then why i dont just play with resis and hp? if you say i am bad luck. then..fine. always be kill when high lv map even i already passed 189.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Pls, for the next patch could you add an "Ailment counter" for the enemies? To see how much stacks are we applying.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Are you using Solarfall by any chance? I think some of the skills have a memory leak or something. Try some different skills any see if it changes to verify if it's a specific skill that's causing the crash.
Just a suggestion from a guy who crashed with Solarfall in rotation.

RaNc1D Original Comment

But what is the point of spell if you can't use it? This should be fixed.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

anyone tried this;:??
Added a small magic effect on the female character’s hand while wielding a staff.

cause my character is like she is begging for some money with her left hand 🤚

do i have to do anything to see that new vfx?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

When force attacking (shift+click), staff projectiles do not seem to be treated the same as bow/pistol by projectile affecting passives. "Come What May" does not pierce when force attacking, nor do you get an extra projectile from "Archion's Teachings." Attacking normally seems to work properly, but also tends to result in a lot of darting about as enemies move out from under the mouse cursor.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The passive "Static transferal" still not working. My damage doesn't increase. Please fix it in the next patch. Greetings.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Guys please fix the increase item Quality in dark market
I cannot upgrade quality of my legendary item

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

once again like always , to fix one thing they screw up 2 or 3 things , apparently they were gonna fix the problem of putting a legendary item in "item rarity " upgrade , now if you try to put a legendary item on the item quality slot it is locked , because of that fuck up i had to upgrade the quality of a weapon 2 times before putting it on the item rarity , so in short , i have to spend over 10 k affinity and a shitload of gold before putting it in item rarity to try to get the third damage slot and try to make a better 2 handed then mine which is a 1104 dmg , what was already hard now its way harder since i have to risk all that affinity and gold and then put it in item rarity and probably fail to get the third dmg slot , and even so, the only way i get a better one it´s with 3 dmg slots and % of material\occult\elemental dmg.. thanks to make it almost impossible for me to make a better weapon unless im willing to spend a shitload of affinity for no reason most of the times. which is worst is that i just spend to make a sword from 680 to 708 then put it again on there to make it quality 5 and by mistake clicked on the cancel , i get the transmuted items being lost if you cancel it , but makes no sense you loose the item by cancel it on quality , and even if that makes sense for you guys which i dont dought seeing how fucked up is your common sense , at least make a warning saying " do you really want to cancel " or something like that .. what a bunch of fuck ups .. oh and when you get the time off of fixing useless stuff try to put a trade shrine on the untainted map , i dont remember the name of the map but is the one that the boss is the aurora knight most of the times , half of our items just stay there on the ground, all of them if we get chests during the map..

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Well trying to push is pointless now. The expeditions are broken and you cannot advance even if you complete all 3 floors the next tier does not unlock and remains pad-locked. I ran my expedition 3 times in attempt to get to the next tier I was not killed in any of them and I collected my reward from the table when I left the area, however this doesn't matter because I'm stuck where I am at now.

Please don't delay us on this fix as most of us that are still playing and not complaining are trying to push but now we can't.

I have enjoyed my experience so far and I understood what I was getting into buying this game based off majority of the reviews and I still put the money down to support you guys because this arpg has realy good potential and only needs some bugs ironed out.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Well trying to push is pointless now. The expeditions are broken and you cannot advance even if you complete all 3 floors the next tier does not unlock and remains pad-locked. I ran my expedition 3 times in attempt to get to the next tier I was not killed in any of them and I collected my reward from the table when I left the area, however this doesn't matter because I'm stuck where I am at now.

Please don't delay us on this fix as most of us that are still playing and not complaining are trying to push but now we can't.

I have enjoyed my experience so far and I understood what I was getting into buying this game based off majority of the reviews and I still put the money down to support you guys because this arpg has realy good potential and only needs some bugs ironed out.

FoXRuN Original Comment

When you say it's locked, do you mean that you don't see the next level number at the bottom when you page to the next panel? If so, just click the colored area above the lock icons and run that, which will unlock the first number below it. They should make it more obvious.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Are you using Solarfall by any chance? I think some of the skills have a memory leak or something. Try some different skills any see if it changes to verify if it's a specific skill that's causing the crash.
Just a suggestion from a guy who crashed with Solarfall in rotation.

RaNc1D Original Comment

This. And I have heard that turning off damage numbers (really more of a nuisance as they slow frame rates anyway) can help with this.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Did you guys stealth-nerf the rare vendor spawn rate in the later Act 3 levels in the past 18 hours? I've been looking for one this morning and there's nothing. I even made a special Willpower-juicing and Stamina point-juicing build to quickly run through them. Around lunchtime yesterday, I had no problem finding a couple each time I ran through there. Now nothing.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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