Wrath of Sarisel final Hotfix: loading times & localization

Community translation: Deutsch- Français

Hello everyone!

Today, we would like to offer you one final Hotfix to improve the loading times for everyone, add localization for Spanish and Polish languages in the language selection menu, and add some improvements for other localizations.

We would like to thank all the community members who worked on the localization for Content Patch 2, we’re happy to work with such a great team and we will be moving shortly to the localization for the release of the game. We’re all very excited to start working on it!

Please don’t forget that you can join the Community Localization team. Currently, our team is composed of translators for French, German, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian and Spanish languages.

If you’re interested in joining the team, you can contact Calistaen on our Discord server.


  • The Loading Times improvement on the client side has been deployed for everyone, you don’t need to make the -PLL manipulation anymore to activate it. However, we recommend that you put Wolcen on a SSD hard drive, if you have one, to have the best loading performance with the game.


  • The Polish localization has been implemented. You can provide your feedback on that localization on this topic. A major thank you to Noriaa and Kamil Gajda "d4ntes", they worked a lot to make sure that the Polish language is available for you today and they definitely deserve hugs.
  • The Spanish localization is now available in the game menu! You can provide feedback on the Spanish localization on this topic. Many thanks to Ashok and Ldtime for their work!
  • The German localization has been updated. You can provide your feedback on this forum. Many thanks to CoTTo!
  • The French localization has been improved on the Gameplay side. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you find issues with it on this topic.
  • The Brazilian Portuguese localization has been updated. You can provide your feedback on that localization on this topic. Many thanks to Felipe Vianna and JonasJTG!

Next week, we will provide you with another status update for the game. Stay tuned!

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Announcements

About the spanish translation:
No se si el termino dolencias seria el correcto para los estados como quemado, congelado, etc.
El resto estaba perfercto, buen trabajo

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

loading times is still like 3 minutes to get into game

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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