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Can't enter the monolith Act3
By sylvain.degas · · in Bug Reports
Replies 4 Activity
Champion expeditions do not unlock
By Ice · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Wings of Ishmir works in slow motion / fps drops delay??
By xDDDDDDDDDDDD · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Act 2 Boss
By breharuf · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Blleding Edge + Will-o'-the-Wisp + Unstoppable Momentum aliment issue
By piotr.bialoglowy · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Beat story mode but can't do engame due to bug
By jaried.wilson · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Multiple gameplay bugs that ruining the H'n's experience
By Tear · · in Bug Reports
Replies 2 Activity
Map Bug
By sonffe · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Getting kicked out of 127 exp withailments on me on last boss
By Hexcry · · in Bug Reports
Replies 2 Activity
Dead in rifts
By adrien.pieri · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Unable to load the town
By snake909 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Right clicking to sell items is buggy
By DarkV4 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Cultist of the Abberant not spawning in Mandate Mission
By toomuchbrew · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Unable to move and character has no face
By A_L_E00 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Sovereign Shout Review [Bug]
By pippo · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Ennemies become immobile and stop attacking with the trial belt
By kevbertin · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity