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Bouclier reboucle en boucle \ Buckle loop shield
By bleckers5 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Proud Reprisal (Passive skill)+ The trial (Unique item) causes disconnection
By m0307mhk · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Failing down the map into a unmapped area
By Deadlyhit · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Reset Passives result in losing primordials and not reseting any passives
By Deadlyhit · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
lost my skin after create a new character
By CRAZY PsYcho · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Bug ( ou pas ) spell rafale mortelle
By Player89 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Charecter pointing in wrong direction during online play with friend.
By BraaiStorm · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Cant' start Champion of Stormfall mode (or any game at all...)
By zaramnor · · in Bug Reports
Replies 4 Activity
Workarounds for Act 3 Boss Bug got Featured in RockPaperShotgun!
By skippz · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
cant complete Cull All Evil in The Unknown
By Viezard · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Game crashes
By bigal · · in Bug Reports
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Stuck on Fury's Ascent (game completed)
By greatcaesar · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity
Chest window not closable (steps to reproduce + workarround)
By oliverman572 · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Bug with champion of stormfall continuation
By Arky · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Stash Frame Freeze
By junior.correia · · in Bug Reports
Replies 1 Activity
Untainted lure cost bug
By jjgs_fox · · in Bug Reports
Replies 0 Activity