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Everyone : What a nice game, beautiful, fun combat, fun to grind. Buggy but a pleasure to play

Nobody :

Wolcen Dev's team : they're enjoying this too much, let's nerfs all the builds viable actually instead of fixing all the bugs and the passiv tree !

Nobody the next day :

Wolcen dev's team the next day : Oh they 're still some people playing our game ? Let's nerf the last build viable INSTEAD OF FIXING BUGS that seems great !!!


If u're not well educated enough to do maths and fix u're passiv tree then hire someone that can do it and MAYBE TEST IT BEFORE U APPLY IT ?

Wolcen devs crew don't play their own game, they're just copying things that work on other H&S with adding some bugs and some bad skills in maths

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Its a simple reason.... Lets play other games.

Me and 7 friends stopped play this game.... Dont have reason playing here.
Thanks The peoples played with me, and see it in next game.
Theres no point investing time in a game, where Devs dont fix bugs.
Dont have waste time farming again, wasting money for resets atributes and spend orbs for reset skill three.
Dont have itens for change to new specs, and thinking this game dying.
No make new character for this..... Waste time again, sames bugs, lags, crashs and logout game.
No fix drop itens lv60+, legendary itens lv40.... All joking....

Well, thx for All friends in game :)

felipesavi Original Comment

You're looking at item lvl required to equip in the bottom right. You need to turn on in the settings show true item level, which will show up in the upper right corner (beside the 1-5 star quality).
If you do lvl 100 expeditions you get lvl 100 loot, despite your character level.

And yes, people need to stop freaking out over the nerf of a completely broken skill/modifier.

I do agree though that the respec cost needs to be reduced, for both gold and Primal Affinity. This is especially true after a patch.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

oh ya and dont play past the first expedition portal...

got almost to the end of the third at level 150 or whatever just to have the god damn game crash.

i agree with the guy noting the what everyone says vs. what the devs say.

found another build thats fast and enjoyable but shit i have done this like 8 times now due to their bloody nerf fests. probably they will nerf this as well cause its too op...

Fix the god damn crashing for the love of god get your crap together dev's.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago much salt over nerfing OP stuff.

Have you guys never played a game in your life? The obviously OP gets the nerf bat...

I don't necessarily agree with 10 seconds...that makes the trait worthless. Now what you do is take the 'follows you' trait which adds a 1s spin time, and grab the rage reducer and damage increaser.

Not as bad, but still not fixed.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

While I do agree there is a lot of whining, I can understand the frustration behind it. But let's be honest, without people voicing their opinion & suggestions, things won't move forward. So while I strongly disagree with how people have been talking to the Wolcen team, they deserve major criticizisms.

Things like nerfing whole builds should be compensated with free resets for example, it's not an alpha/beta anymore and wiping entire builds is not fine at this point. People invested money, time and patience because it requires some to go through all these bugs.

If they planned to fix the gold exploit and remove all the gold generated no matter in which hands it was (maybe a legit guy who just sold an item), then they should have warned these guys and push that fix sooner (in a hotfix).

If they are planning to nerf skills, then they have to first investigate why it was so far ahead compared to the other ones :
- Are the nodes working for all the skills ?
- Are the mods working as intended for all the skills ?
- Are the damages scaling properly for any builds ?
- Are all the skills viable for endgame ?
- Are all the archetype (depending on your weapons) balanced to clear endgame ?
- Are all the items balanced to face endgame ?

Because obviously the answer to these questions is a big NO and that's why people are looking to clear areas faster, that's what a ARPG Hack&Slash is all about. More speed clearing mobs, more loots. Ranged weapons are really bad in this game …

LeviathaN Original Comment

well said.

also i dont understand why rift boss almost drop no loot, whats that about?
Why dont they standard drop at least 1 legendary and some legendary mats for example. This is in diablo3 and its nice, cos when you didnt get anything, you you will at least get something from the rift boss garunteed.

Within this game you are forced to clear 3 lvls which takes quite some time honestly (calculated also selling of items at end of each lvl, which works almost never, since you have to click every item multiple times).

Been doing multiple 140lvl rifts and never got any legendaries. and then i do a lvl100 one and get like 4.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago much salt over nerfing OP stuff.

Have you guys never played a game in your life? The obviously OP gets the nerf bat...

I don't necessarily agree with 10 seconds...that makes the trait worthless. Now what you do is take the 'follows you' trait which adds a 1s spin time, and grab the rage reducer and damage increaser.

Not as bad, but still not fixed.

Redscope Original Comment

normally in other games you get a fair warning way ahead of nerfs incoming, giviung ppl actually time to chaneg stuff around. Diablo3 always do change on the prt 1st so ppl get to test stuff and then apply changes.

game is only 1 week out and now we are all testing the game for time, even though we paid for a full game, no ty

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

guess what...

apllying endless modifiers to expeditions is still possible, this has been multiple times reported apparently even during beta, how is this not fixed, but instead to opt to nerf stuff all around.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'm completely broke after all of these respecs. even if I had the money to respec again, i don't think I'd want to. every build that makes the game fun seems to get destroyed.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Why all the attention to balance when the game still has so many bugs? I fight through the two stages of the Act 2 boss fight for 15 minutes just to run in place unable to use any skills or move till I die. What's the point in balance right now when the game just breaks and randomly makes you lose?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The problem of these nerfs (at least for mage winter graps that i played) is that it's not just nerf it's a wipe out of the entire build. I went from no CD to 5.2s CD, with no dmg buff or something else. My character is now unplayable, i cant do any dmg.

And the second main issue is that there is no "buff". What should i play now with a elemental mage with staff ? There is nothing. I have to make an entire new build, stuff, etc. to play again. Well i will not cause i have other games and my time is limited, so this patch just killed the game for me.

So sad really i played this game so much, i really liked it. But it feel like we really are in a beta, when there is reset and huge bugs, so sad... I have no time to beta test a game...

Dommage franchement ce jeu français d'une petite équipe a des bons côtés, mais ce lancement est totalement raté car beaucoup trop tôt dans le développement du jeu. Et pourquoi faire des nerfs aussi violents, ça sert à quoi à part dégouter les joueurs qui ont passé des dizaines d'heure à farmer pour avoir un stuff correct en lien avec un build particulier...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

While I do agree there is a lot of whining, I can understand the frustration behind it. But let's be honest, without people voicing their opinion & suggestions, things won't move forward. So while I strongly disagree with how people have been talking to the Wolcen team, they deserve major criticizisms.

Things like nerfing whole builds should be compensated with free resets for example, it's not an alpha/beta anymore and wiping entire builds is not fine at this point. People invested money, time and patience because it requires some to go through all these bugs.

If they planned to fix the gold exploit and remove all the gold generated no matter in which hands it was (maybe a legit guy who just sold an item), then they should have warned these guys and push that fix sooner (in a hotfix).

If they are planning to nerf skills, then they have to first investigate why it was so far ahead compared to the other ones :
- Are the nodes working for all the skills ?
- Are the mods working as intended for all the skills ?
- Are the damages scaling properly for any builds ?
- Are all the skills viable for endgame ?
- Are all the archetype (depending on your weapons) balanced to clear endgame ?
- Are all the items balanced to face endgame ?

Because obviously the answer to these questions is a big NO and that's why people are looking to clear areas faster, that's what a ARPG Hack&Slash is all about. More speed clearing mobs, more loots. Ranged weapons are really bad in this game …

LeviathaN Original Comment

People have the wrong notion that by releasing balance changes before the bug fixes, they're PRIORITIZING balance changes and leaving the bug fixes to do later.

Balance changes are probably easy for the devs to develop and release, that's why they came out first. You just change a few parameters in the game's configuration, test it, and you're done.

Bugs aren't so easy to figure out and fix (programmer here), so it takes more time.

And from what I understand from previous dev posts, since they're a small dev team with few resources, they're outsourcing their server and database infrastructure to third-parties. This can be troublesome because then any problem related to servers and databases has to be fixed by the third-party team, not the devs themselves, who may not be as invested as the dev team would be in fixing these issues.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

People have the wrong notion that by releasing balance changes before the bug fixes, they're PRIORITIZING balance changes and leaving the bug fixes to do later.

Balance changes are probably easy for the devs to develop and release, that's why they came out first. You just change a few parameters in the game's configuration, test it, and you're done.

Bugs aren't so easy to figure out and fix (programmer here), so it takes more time.

And from what I understand from previous dev posts, since they're a small dev team with few resources, they're outsourcing their server and database infrastructure to third-parties. This can be troublesome because then any problem related to servers and databases has to be fixed by the third-party team, not the devs themselves, who may not be as invested as the dev team would be in fixing these issues.

brunohesc Original Comment

But this game has so many bugs, some of which that just break the game, that it seems like it's still in beta as opposed to fully released. Calling this a finished product and charging appropriately for it implies a certain standard that is far off from being met.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Game continues to crash ever since this "hotfix" came to apparently "fix some issues". It seems to have broken even more of them than fixing them.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Game continues to crash ever since this "hotfix" came to apparently "fix some issues". It seems to have broken even more of them than fixing them.

RaNc1D Original Comment

Actually not sure why I'm posting in this forum. I don't think any or the crew actually read these.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Actually not sure why I'm posting in this forum. I don't think any or the crew actually read these.

RaNc1D Original Comment

ya, a response from the Wolcen team would be nice.

Crashing for me hasnt been as bad since they released this patch. i havent been able to complete a full 3 set of expedition since this was dropped.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

ya, a response from the Wolcen team would be nice.

Crashing for me hasnt been as bad since they released this patch. i havent been able to complete a full 3 set of expedition since this was dropped.

kellar.jason Original Comment

I had at worse a crash every few hours playing before patch 1.0.5, now i cant finish 2 expedition levels before the game grinds to a hault and crashes. It is very frustrating, and thats using the same skills as i was before.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Trash game by Quin69

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

so whats this new bug? game crash all the time....

game cant even be played now, each time you start an expedition you crash......

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

you players need to quit crying so much and let them fix their game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Trash game by Quin69

jramainardi Original Comment

quin69 is trash

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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